[h3][center][color=00746b]Marcus Avian[/color][/center][/h3] The days had dragged by for me, full of a few to many curious people for my liking. Questions and curious glances. out right suspicion and hostility from some, not that any of it made me feel self conscious or anxious. it was just exhausting. Before, when I had escaped, my interactions with strangers had been minimal. Consisting mostly of directions or bumped shoulders. This was so much more taxing, I had to actually talk to these people (Not very much granted) and get along with them. Attempt to fit in, or at the least get out of the way when things started rolling. They all thought I was a Merc, a gun for hire thanks to Rin's cover story. It was a good one, didnt mind it. If anything it sort of helped me feel less like an object belonging to the military science and research branch. I appreciated it. Most of my time I either spent in the small room I had been issued studying current events and catching up on rest. When not in there, I was either in the armory or the gym learning how the latest models in sniper rifles functioned and getting back into some sort of routine when it came to working out. Routine was comforting, it was a laid out plan that happened every day without fail. It gave the voices less opportunities to cause me to doubt. Currently I was in the appointed mess hall, hunkered in a corner studying the 'food' I had been dished with a frown. It, looked like food. Tasted kinda like it, certainly smelled like it. But it was missing something, and try as hard as I might I couldnt put my finger on it...Then Rin, or the Commander, marched back into the room and made an announcement. [color=00746b]"Is their only cause for distress the asteroid field?"[/color] I asked eventually, sitting up a bit and resting my elbows on the table. It was hard to stumble into one of those, not that it never happened, but I couldnt help but be a bit paranoid. I wasnt as bad off as I had been when I had first tracked down Rin but it was hard to shake off a mentality like that.