[b]Name:[/b] Natazume "Name (nah-may)" Hiroshi [b]Appearance:[/b] [url=http://40.media.tumblr.com/8a43af4b9e276f7d28b705ca9e8f2916/tumblr_nv8slr6i2O1urtcaxo1_500.jpg]Link Here[/url] [b]Age:[/b] 22 [b]Major:[/b] Child Psychology [b]Part Time Job:[/b] Conflict Mediation Assistant at Lil Buds [indent]Earning $12/hour and works Mondays and Fridays from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM[/indent] [b]Money:[/b] Has usually $50 on hand [indent]And has $1511.88 in savings.[/indent] [b]Residence:[/b] Lives with her parents in Uptown Springdale [b]Family:[/b] Akane Hiroshi and Jin Hiroshi [indent]Her mother Akane (58) is retired, a former antiques dealer. Her father Jin (55) works at the business building downtown as a computer security analyst.[/indent] [b]Hobbies:[/b] Ballet, Sketching, Meditation, Rollerblading and Knitting. [b]Aspirations:[/b] To help children understand their feelings better in order to become productive positive members of society. [b]Fears:[/b] The darkness. [b]Personality:[/b] [indent]+ Fair + Likes to ensure everyone is happy and that should conflicts arise, each party is heard and respected. She tries her best to ensure everyone is treated equally and given the same respect. + Reliable + When she makes a promise or even just a plan, she sticks to it. She's the kind of woman who lives by her word and likes to make sure those around her can count on her. + Forgiving + She works with children and as such, is able to forgive people when they say or do things, be them petty or just regrettable. + Deceive + While she likes to take a gentle approach with kids at her job, she is very capable of being the voice of reason within her groups of friends. She is in favor of having a stance and not hesitating to make it known. - Critical - At times, her knowledge and observations can cause her to be critical of those around her, sometimes known to be snippy and gruff. [/indent] - - - [b]Name:[/b] Tamago Uchi [b]Appearance:[/b] [url=http://data.whicdn.com/images/78982038/original.jpg]Link Here[/url] [b]Age:[/b] 22 [b]Major:[/b] Culinary Degree [b]Part Time Job:[/b] Works at Cafe Shanista [indent]Earns $9.50/an hour on Friday mornings, all day Saturday and half of Sunday.[/indent] [b]Money:[/b] Usually has $20 on hand. [indent]And has $742.55 in savings.[/indent] [b]Residence:[/b] On campus in a 4 bedroom suite [b]Family:[/b] Satsumi, Azema and Yukiyo. [indent]His mother Satsumi (53) manages the Shanista Cafe. His father Azema (59) works with the coast guard down at Rolling Waves Beach. And his sister Yukiyo (18) is working part time at the Gourd Pond Museum.[/indent] [b]Hobbies:[/b] Cooking, Eating, Climbing, Photography, Running and Bug Collecting. [b]Aspirations: [/b]To fill each day with as much happiness as possible. But seriously? He would love to open up a modern restaurant in Springdale but for now, he thinks a food truck would be the best stepping stone for that big dream hanging in the sky. [b]Fears:[/b] Being dull and being alone. [b]Personality:[/b] [indent]+ Energetic + Often bursting with energy and motivation. + Practical + Though he has high energy, he is by no means blinded by it. He knows life is about balance, for example he loves to eat so he found his passion in cooking and running to counterbalance his gluttony. + Imaginative + Taking pictures and cooking has allowed him to tap in his creative and wondrous side, he's often thinking of the future, be it good or bad. + Inclusive + He loves to include friends when he's out and about, never one to turn down an invitation or leave someone feeling left out. - Anxious - From time to time, he can become clingy or paranoid because he tries to hard to have a good time and ensure others around him are enjoying themselves just as much. He can put emotional pressure on himself when he starts worrying about life and death and his impact on the world and those around.[/indent]