[b]jamie[/b] Jamie nodded at Rose, and began to move faster, pushing through the crowds,Jamie made a path towards where Jackie was being held. Studying the scene a moment. It didn't take Jamie long to figure that the woman that had attacked yesterday was not who Jamie thought. Jamie narrowed her eyes, [color=f26522]"She's just doing what's required of her, and protecting Jackie when Jackie can't protect herself. Rose, get Lucas if you can, see what he knows. Use the communication lacrima if he has one. Amelia, stay with Sam and Elyse" [/color] Jamie didn't think the girl would attack the girls, but she wasn't taking a chance. Jamie watched Angelo, continuing to studying the scene.knowing they didn't need more publication about magic in the streets or damage to more buildings, Jamie sought a way to contain any damages, erecting up her wind walls, it would at least contain the magic. She could, of course, use negate, but that would just be pointless. [b]penny[/b] Watching Karn was like watching two different people. Perhaps there wouldn't be a way to save them both, or even to split them, but they seemed to be balancing it for now. Penny didn't care, as long as Karn was here, alive, and well. Perhaps thy would all have to come to terms with the fact they had a unique case of personality disorder with the Karns. [color=f26522]"let's just watch a moment, see what they do"[/color] She said after a moment, appearing to take everything in with ease. And then Penny was grabbing Karn as the ground shook beneath them, trembling as if it were tired of holding itself up. She planted her feet firmly, ready to take to the air if need be. And then it hit her. If the island went down, the others would go with it. And she didn't think all of them had abilities that would enable them to fly. Could she save them all if they went down? Would the teleport magic get them to safety? Almost as soon as it came, the ground stopped shaking [b]michael[/b] Michael sighed, and nodded, [color=00a651]"the trouble is, it doesn't look as if anyone is doing anything to earn trust. Or to repair it. The guild Masters just appear so...stubborn, each thinking their way is the best. But forcing your way into others is just a sure way to push them in the opposite direction. And eventually that's just going to rear up, and everyone will be at each other's throats."[/color] he thought back, so long ago really, and hoped what had happened there wouldn't happen here. Above, Michael watched as the plateform gave a huge shake, seeming to drop a second before righting itself. [color=00a651]"I don't think that was meant to happen"[/color] [b]carrie[/b] Having dressed and showered, Carrie felt ridiculous in Zephyr's clothes. For one, they were too big, hanging on her, and she had to roll the pants up, and push the sleeves up as well. She probably looked like a child, instead of a ministry official. The only good thing was the hood. It cast her face into shadow, hiding the faint bruises and cuts there. The next challenge had been getting down the stairs, and out the hotel. She almost fell down the flight of stairs twice. And the final challenge was making it to the stadium. [@burthstone][@zarkun][@silver fox][@oblivion666][@liferusher][@joshua tamashii][@jangel13][@Amaya Yashia]