From where the large window was in his office, there was still a large portion towards the back where it was not likely to look through angularly. The only person that could be seen from the outside was Agent Caits. ‘And if Subject 30 breaks into a room where he’s not supposed to be in? And if Subject 29 has another episode? I just finished writing up reports for both of them confirming that they should not be let out. We’re already learning so much from then behind the safety of bars. …But I will put forward the suggestion to Big Boss. As for your request of the files of Subject 7, have fun looking for it in the heaping mess of files over at that desk there.’ The desk Dr. Baoning pointed to was littered with post-it notes, files that were so bulky, its sheets almost tearing the folders in half. The sheer volume of paper on the table threatened to bring the table down, caving in. ‘We here at SRD have the smartest people on the planet. Do not think that we will not consider every single possibility, including linking help between Subjects. So please, try and give us another idea we haven’t thought of yet.’ He smiled a perverted grin as she sized up – more appropriately, he ogled and appreciated the relatively fine figure of a woman like her – not fully respecting the idea of the two being equals, especially on pay-grade.