Olive Sweets groggily opened her eyes when the sun's rays shone over her face. She slowly sat up, running a hand through her wild bed hair in an attempt to tame it before slipping out of the many blankets that had kept her warm over the night. With a mighty yawn, the lean girl starting stretching, grumbling a bit here and there. Her whole body ached and for good reason. Olive had an intense work out at the naginata dojo last night, leaving with a multitude of bruises on her body. She didn't remember much after finishing classes. She must have stumbled back into her apartment room half asleep and passed out once she reached her bed. Life was good. She would relax today, make a nice cup of chamomile tea, watch some cute animal videos, and take a cat nap later. Humming a cheery tune to herself, she started wrapping bandages over her torn hands. Even though her hands were calloused now, they occasionally cracked from handling the spear too often. It was painful but Olive always felt proud of herself. It was proof of her hard work. With a small sigh, she tossed the bandage roll onto her bed before heading to the bathroom. ... The brunette suddenly froze, turning her head a bit to the left to stare at her calendar and then at a clock. A look of despair crossed her face. Olive Sweets was late for work. She quickly ran around, cleaning herself up before throwing on some clothes and grabbing her gym bag on the way out. Breakfast would have to be bought from the near-by convenience store. And she would have to think of a way to placate her forever grumpy boss. Maybe some cookies would help! It didn't take long for Olive to reach the store at full sprint. "Get cookies and then go," she repeated to herself. She flung the store door open and rushed in. Unfortunately, she failed to see that there was a person right in front of her and just like that, Olive crashed into said person. A curse softly slipped out of her mouth as she literally bounced off the guy, stumbling around before regaining her balance. "Sorry 'bout that," she quickly said, looking up at the rather tall man before crinkling her nose. She was no stranger to the stench of sweat and exercise but goodness, he smelled like a wet dog.