[center][h3][color=C2B280]Fleo Plector – Phoenix Wing Stands[/color][/h3] [@t2wave][@cirusarvennicus][@Prince of Seraphs][/center] The somewhat odd request from Trinity toward the mean girl earned her a raised eyebrow from Fleo. What did she care about guild marks? Sure, she didn’t like Elizabeth either, but did the minstrel actually mean to report something as ultimately inconsequential as a shove? Fleo thought about her own guild mark, hidden from sight on her belly. Ruefully, and not for the first time, she regretted not placing it somewhere more visible to show her enthusiasm for Phoenix Wing. Still, where else could it go? The idea of hiding, she thought with a trace of bitterness, fit her too well. Feeling bad about a barely-hurtful comment proved difficult while the pouty-faced offender persisted in spreading ice through the hair of the woman she’d shoved only moments prior. [i]This is getting weird.[/i] She watched, suddenly wary, as Elizabeth pulled up her skin to show a burn. Instinctively, Fleo looked at her own arms, fully bandaged so that not a single stretch of skin could be seen. She wanted to laugh. [color=c2b280]”Tragic,”[/color] she managed, not sure to whom exactly she referred. [center][h3] [color=E32636]Demetri Argentum – Frenzy Plant Stands[/color][/h3] [@oblivion666][@raijinslayer][@hatakekuro][@liferusher][@Joshua Tamashii][/center] While he would not admit it to anyone, Demetri had been rather glad that a substitution had been made on his guild’s part for the first round of day four’s Games. Following a night of rest and slow recovery, he had been permitted to attend the excitement at the arena, but it would be some time yet before he recovered to full. Ultimately, he respected the man called Deyja. Demetri harbored no illusions about the Iron Enigma sorcerer’s sometimes-shy, sometimes-cruel nature, but in the end the kid managed to do a number on him. Any lingering resentment at the pain went not to Deyja, upon whom the brawler’s revenge had been immediate and no less than what he deserved, but to himself for charging heedlessly in against a dangerous mage backed against the wall. If a shadow lance to the guts would help him hone his reflexes and survival instincts, all the better—if not for his own magic and the skill of the healers, such an injury would have killed him. It would have certainly been the end of a normal person; Demetri knew to be thankful. Thusly, wearing a sleek burgundy doublet, symbolic to some of his restraint after being wounded, he observed the match without anger. Thor struck him as a bit of a wild card despite her reluctant nature. Seldom acting and even more seldom speaking, the lightning wizard constituted a non-presence in Frenzy Plant social life, but her fighting skill and clear loyalty for the guild made her more than a few steadfast allies among its ranks. The caveat to this minigame that prevented flying seemed particularly harsh –why punish someone for mastering such a difficult magic? They would only make themselves better targets anyway- but Thor performed to expectations. Iron Enigma, Tough Love, and Pirate Lord were out, leaving Dragon Fang, Riders Blade, Frenzy Plant, and the two Phoenix Wings. Everyone but the latter appeared to be locked in ferocious battle except for the last two. It irritated Demetri to no end to see the Phoenix Wing wizards, arrogant and self-righteous stuck-ups that they were, standing on the sidelines all buddy-buddy waiting for the others to duke it out. Such tactics were not honorable in a free for all. Pushing himself to his feet, Demetri bellowed to everyone in the ring, [color=E32636]”Idiots! Don’t you see both the Wingers are still in, and just standing there!? They’ve barely been touched! They’re waitin’ for easy pickings! Follow their lead and gang up on them, or they’re gonna stretch their lead out!”[/color] The soldiers around him echoed his sentiments collectively, making sure that the request could be heard by the fighters.