[b]Carrie[/b] [@Burthstone] Carrie cursed lightly under her breath. Someone just had to notice her sneaking out the hotel. She turned around, narrowing her eyes at Gregory. She sized him up, rolling her shoulders, and pulling the head back, trying to muster as much dignity as she could wearing over sized clothes. [color=fff200]"Well, Mr.Vale, would you like to know what happened? Nothing. And as I am not a judge in the games, nor am I much concerned with who wins, it doesn't really matter where I slept last night, does it? The Dragon Fang Member, Zephyr, refused to take me back to my chambers after I stopped two dark wizards and got a good bashing myself. As you can see. Now, would that be all?"[/color] She maintained an easy tone, speaking with as much officiousness as she could, and trying to maintain an air of dignity.