[h3]Gergory Vale -- Crocus Streets[/h3]Gregory would shrug innocently. [color=Silver]"Well, if nothing happened I guess you wouldn't mind if I let the person who told me run to the presses. It'll certainly make quite the interesting story."[/color] He'd half turn away from her. [color=Silver]"Besides, I'm sure the Magic Council can't demand certain things in the games be changed to give one contestant or team an unfair advantage. I wonder what the tabloids would say to the information..."[/color] He'd glance at her, putting his hands in his pockets. [color=Silver]"That is, unless you're willing to do a small favor for me, in which case the world of journalism never has to hear of your, or his, possible 'conquests,'"[/color] it's clear what he's implying, but what he wants probably would still be pretty opaque. [@Caits]