Ahnciel would see, through the windows, a giant, kilometer-long dreadnought, colored blue and gold, flying beside an even larger floating cylinder that rotated quietly in space. As it drew closer and closer, he can also see small craft, larger than starfighters but not by much, scrambling out of the cylinder, which he presumed was a station, moving to intercept his escape pod; Mr. Hut was paranoid about unannounced visitors, given the amount of pirates that tried to loot Vegas Station in the past. Two of the...cutters reached Ahnciel's craft with record speed, using magnetic clamps on the underside of their hulls in order to secure the pod, whose radios began to spark as the patrol craft's pilots tried to communicate with it. "Unknown craft, unknown pilot, you have entered the area of Vegas Station, owned by Mr. Hut, and are now about to be taken into custody. Tresspassing within space station limits is a serious crime by local law, so you will be taken to the station's brigs for indentification. Do not resist, do not even attempt verbal abuse. Any valuable information you can give about any plans injurous to the station will grant you clemency..." [@Hawlin]