[quote=@Plank Sinatra] [color=ed1c24][h3]Angel Ferrara[/h3] [i]And thus the trap prepares to spring.[/i][/color] Angel's eyes lit up with the characteristic glee that came when he knew someone wanted a meal, but denied it anyway. Putting one hand in his pocket, he smiled at his feet and shrugged. Meal plans were coalescing in his head, courses forming within the cloudy, dreamy landscape of his mind. Externally, he shrugged, looked up, and smiled a little wider. In her usual attire, it was a little bit easier to avoid blushing at Cyare. A little bit. [color=ed1c24]"I'll go talk to Kaia. If you're still here when we decide on something, then we'll seeya around."[/color] [/quote] [h1]Cyare Staunton[/h1] "Do you require any aid in locating her?" Cyare asked, while she busied herself with attaching her sword's scabbard to her belt once again and making the final adjustments to her attire. She would have to wait for her hair to dry, but such things should not take too long. Finding Rei would be the hell of it. The man had an inconvenient capability, in large part due to his speed, to be wherever he wanted within a several mile radius at any given time. He might be in the inn, or he might be halfway across the city. If he did not want to be located then she would have no choice but to wait for him. To be extremely frank, given his sense of humor, she likely had the best chance of luring him out by continuing to stay near her new associate. If she could aid in the location of his associate, and perhaps the procurement of food and additional aid for the mission, then all the better. "It may expedite the process. Of locating my own associate, as well."