[h2][color=OrangeRed]Dawn Daniels[/color] - Crocus[/h2] [@Lunarlors34] Dawn was unsure of the stadium. Sure it was likely the most exciting event in the city but it was a great distance from where they were now. Dawn doubted that Elizabeth with her talent for moving about a crowd would be able to make it all the way there. Still they were out of other places to search and as far as locations went it was one of the more likely besides if the administrators of the Grand Magic Games would no doubt be based out of the stadium and they would be the ones to talk to about putting Elizabeth's face on the Lacrimavision. Dawn had a photo of her in a locket around his neck that they could use to identify her. [color=OrangeRed]"I suppose that's good a place as any to start. Don't know she'll be there but it can't hurt to take a look round. The stadium's..."[/color] Dawn had been about to clarify directions to there destination when something very very strange happened all around them. The shadows in the street began to bend and distort. Not with the changing of the light but as if something was drawing them in. In a moment they detached from whatever object had been casting them as they swarmed over buildings in a desperate attempt to get to something a couple streets over. The moment they had disappeared Dawn heard a primal defining roar as if from some sort of beast followed closely by the sound of destruction. The street looked odd without any shadows, the light seeming to reach every corner, even those it could not possibly see into but that wasn't Dawn's priority at the moment. His search for his sister was not forgotten but whatever had made that noise seemed to be clearly intent on tearing up the city. Dawn's father had always taught the twins to help those in need, whether it was a barn on fire or some sort of monster a town had to band together to protect one another. [color=OrangeRed]"That ain't good. Come on, we'd best go see what we can do to help."[/color] Dawn ran off down the street, taking the closest turn towards the sounds of destruction. The scene he arrived on was a ghastly one. Some sort of beast apparently made entirely of shadows was terrorizing the block. He pounded a few times on a sanctuary made seemingly of light before turned and vanishing into the ground. Only to appear seconds later at a different spot to attack another wizard on the site already. With the monster distracted Dawn approached the people protected by the golden shield of light. When Dawn approached it he was momentarily unsure how to get the child and her mother out. However some instinct kicked in. Dawn reached out a hand and at first the light seemed solid however soon it morphed around his hand to allow him entry. A sort of doorway formed in the building and Dawn hurried in. He helped to dig the girl's mother out of the rubble, she was hurt but she could still walk. Dawn half carried half walked her a ways from the danger zone with her daughter trailing behind them. [color=OrangeRed]"Alright, just lie still, the city's authorities should be on there way with medics.[/color] Dawn didn't know this for sure but it stood to reason that the capitol of Fiore would have medics on standby, especially during such a violent even at the Grand Magic Games. With a disturbance like this it wouldn't be long till the city's leaders responded. Dawn retreated a little from the two before turning towards Cody. [color=OrangeRed]"You're a wizard ain'tcha? A combat mage? Do something!"[/color] He chastised. Dawn didn't have much confidence in his own magic. He'd had the basic grasp of how it worked but he'd never used it in such a situation as this. Usually it was to light a campfire or the stove at Penelope's shop. He'd never imagined getting into a huge fight with a shadow beast. [h2][color=SkyBlue]Elizabeth Daniels[/color] - Phoenix Wing Grand Stands[/h2] [@CirusArvennicus][@Lugubrious][@t2wave] Elizabeth examined each of the people she was now confronted with curiously. The calm one had mismatched eyes, the angry one shifted colors, it was however the surly one in the corner that Elizabeth found more interesting. She stood up, letting her sleeve fall over the mark on her arm. The woman was covered in bandages. Elizabeth stepped over the seat so she was standing in front of Fleo. She reached out a hand and touched the bandages that covered the woman's extremities. They felt coarse and tied tight, not a inch of skin peaked through them. Elizabeth moved her hand to the woman's stomach, her palm hovered over where Fleo's Phoenix Wing guild mark was stamped. After a moment Elizabeth removed her hand and pulled her notebook out of her bag. She started to scribble on it furiously with a pencil before tearing a sheet off and shoving it towards Fleo it read: [color=SkyBlue]So much hidden inside, so much never seen. Afraid to let yourself be known. Open up, see what's within.[/color] It was scratched out in a messy scrawl that contrasted heavily with Elizabeth's normally neat penmanship. Her writing was always more frantic when she used it to communicate.