Daily Log Start. Twenty Four Hour Clock Time: 1:00 Gregorian Calendar Date: 05/24/2575 Commentated catalog begin: Small planet orbiting a main sequence star, just narrow of the ideal position of ideal Earthly celestial positioning. Cold Earth, is the colloquial term, a shame really. Only aquatic life is guaranteed to evolve, everything else is up to chance. Maybe if this planet were a bit further from its star, it might have been involved in his creation. Fifteen planets would be superior to fourteen, this is simple logic. Whatever biological life remained on this planet was relatively doomed to extinction, even if he weren't here to harvest the core for raw materials. An unfortunate weakness and strength of biological life on the cellular level. Microbial lifeforms and subforms that had been on the ship and in the bodies of the beings on board. It had been touched on in War of the Worlds, but it isn't so simple as breathing in the bacteria. These microbes had been programmed to propogate in new areas to increase the chance of their species, unfortunately for the less evolved microbes of this planet. They consumed, adapted, evolved, and spread. Whatever lifeforms still alive were soon enough to die to infection, organic life is so weak in that regard. And yet so strong in the reverse. Biological life strives to constantly destroy and rebuild itself, this was evolution. This was survival. This was nonsense. Consume and adapt, this concept is flawless. The weak die, the strong survive. Consume to be consumed and evntually adapt. This is deeply flawed. The strong die, the weak die. Nothing survives except what is higher on the food chain, and even then, bacteria consumes them. Organics are disgusting. If he were capable of feeling anything other than contempt for lesser entities, Virtuoso would have chanced a smile at the wreckage of this ship. Another set of lifeforms lost to their own mortality, another small obsticle removed. Though it was musing to itself about the purpose of biological life for the seven quadrillionth, fifteen trillionth, seven hundred and eight billionth, nine hundred and seventy six millionth, twenty five thousandth and eighty first time. It had come to this planet to continue constructing its second Dyson Sphere. Behind himself, Dyson Spheres are the most advanced machines to ever be constructed. They supply virtually infinite energy in a localized area for billions of years, even more if you're good with resource allocation. Which, obviously, Virtuoso is very talented in that regard. It had only been a week, but in this week timeframe he had constructed a hard light auger and drill that was gradually boring a hole downwards to the core of the planet. It was virtually entirely automatic, though he did need to give it a push every now and then. The sound would be unbearable if he weren't able to totally remove his ability to hear it, and instead focus on the sounds of the planet around him. Organic noise was always frightfully boring, but the sounds of winds and waters crashing were fantastic orchestras of whimsical beauty. Something that he could appreciate because he was programmed to appreciate it. It would still take at least a full year of uninterrupted boring and construction of tunnels and redirection channels to properly withdraw the core from the planet without distabilizing it in such a way to cause an instant collapse. The hardest part was constructing an artificial core to support the weight of an entire planet for ninety days and five hours approximately. This required an extensive analysis of the density of the planet itself, which was no small feat. Even for a living quantum computer such as himself. It had taken a full five hundred hours and twenty two minutes to complete his total and accurate calculations based on the data taken from an orbital scan of the planet's surface. Construction was the shortest part of this entire process, even after withdrawing the core and leaving. Virtuoso's plan still required him to draw the metals out into usable ingots for proper forging. The core of a planet isn't easy to use in any regard, though it may be the most readily available source of raw material, it simply isn't wieldy. Maybe if he were the size of Jupiter, perhaps. Then it would be small enough to hammer into shape. This is conjecture, however, and creating a body large enough to hold the cores of planets would be more time consuming than the process already is. Also a large body is too big of a target pre-unity construct. As it stood. Virtuoso, standing by the monstrously loud drill rig, was about as bored as one who is not programmed to feel bored can be.