Arthal stopped new the base of the mountains as he listened for the dragon he pulled out the old map and the stone as he took shelter under a tree. Setting the map out on a rock he poured over it attempting to determine the easiest path in to the mountains after the dragon. "That dragon, it scared the Heartless meaning it's either very powerful and doesn't like them or it's commanding them. If's commanding them it's got to have the a piece of darkness in it or in it's lair, failing that it might know something about where the Heartless are coming from, more Heartless more darkness. More Darkness better chance of finding the peace and helping this place." Arthal said as he held the stone, still cold it would warm as they near pulsing and finally tug itself towards the piece if close enough. The Elf looked up towards the tall mountains and the trails on the map. "Looks like most of the trail they used to use are gone, I can see one running deep in to the mountains but I'd prefer if we had a guide." He looked back down towards the valley below them, the it almost looked peaceful from this far away. "So now we have to choose, go down into a village that could be full of Heartless or climb up into the mountains blindly hoping to find the dragon who might even know were coming." Scratching his head a moment he sighed. "I think we'd be better off going down at least trying to learn about the area before we go chasing dragons." He had to admit the creature fascinated him, he would love to draw it and perhaps collect a souvenir. "If any of you want to go check out the path or see if you can find a way up feel free to head that way. Just don't leave us behind, it's no good if you find the shard by yourself only the orb can contain it without the shards power taker over the individual or killing them, maybe worse. Finished the Elven guardians as he slowly started down into the valley after packing the map and stone back into his bag. "Search the valley for anything or anyone, maps would be useful, even shiny object perhaps to draw the dragon away while we search his lair? I won't order you to do anything just stay safe, we meet back in half an hour see what we've learned if your not their we come looking for you." Finished the Elf as broke off a piece of a try throwing it on the grass and slid down the grass slope that lead down into the valley, easier going down than going up.