[center][img]http://www.favslist.com/photos/pages/x1/Trade-Federation-Battleship-1395178273-56212.jpg[/img][/center] [b]Captain Vakelb Vilreth, Bridge[/b] "Understood Admiral, we'll be there momentarily," Vakelb said, cracking a stiff salute at the holocoms. The wavy image of Admiral Garm Bel Iblis merely nodded in response, and then he was gone. The Admiral did not like Vakelb, did not trust him; indeed, the Captain was in little doubt that the Republic was scraping the barrel, if it needed the Honour Bound to jump so quickly into the fight. Vakelb pulled himself from the captain's chair that sat central to the spherically shaped bridge; his knees ached as he stood straight, and the weariness of old-age was ever present. Dozens of petty-officers stood rigidly at attention by their stations - all of them were Neimodian, and they represented the cream of the crop, as far as his own peoples were concerned. There were no droids on his bridge, no mercenaries or hired labour - no sir. They awaited his instructions, though they'd all heard his exchange with the admiral; yet it was the Captain's formal duty to give a speech to his bridge staff prior to a fleet muster, at least that's what he had learned from the Chronicles of Ackbar. "Men and women of the Republic, Neimodians, my flesh and blood," he began to address them, his hands clasped tightly behind his back. "24 hours ago, the Hosnian System went dark, as you are all mostly aware; initial reports have confirmed that the entire system was wiped out by a new Remnant weapon the likes we never thought possible." A few gasps escaped the crew, and a commotion broke out as they mumbled to each other about the massive loss of life - and exchanged concerns for relatives who would have been in the area. The Captain silenced them with the raise of a hand, and they snapped back to attention. "It is with this in mind, that the Honour Bound is being mustered into a fleet. We will be heading to the border regions, bearing coordinates 4353.536.253 to rendezvous with the other ships. From there, we shall embark upon a counter-offensive, and we will bring these murderers to heel," Vakelb continued, as he started to walk forwards, mingling with his crew. His old eyes appraised them, weighed them, and the crew felt the weight of such a gaze heavily. "This is not a drill. This is not a simulation, nor a training run. People will die in the coming days. We will lose many friends, we will lose those we consider family; alas, this is the truth of war. Alas, if we were to do nothing, then more systems will fall, billions will die. Indeed, it is ironic that the might of the Neimodian navy, as small as we may be, is called to defend those our fathers would have wished destroyed. Yet, let us not forget the oaths we have taken to the Republic, and let us not forget that we are honour bound to see this mission through to its completion." The Captain's voice fell silent, and he marched back to his chair and carefully lowered himself into it. "Report." At the mention of his request, the bridge staff broke out into a noisy buzz of anxiety. They hurried this way and that, frantically hitting away at keyboards, voicing numbers to each other and racing to reach their conclusions. "Stardrive is it 85% efficiency sir!" "Droid Battle Comms is fully operational, all software is installed and we're seeing no conflicts!" "Droid Fighter Comms is on standby, all drones are ready for battle." "Engineering is green, Captain!" "Coordinates are locked, awaiting your command sir!" Captain Vakelb nodded, but kept a smile from his otherwise stern face. His men and women were as green as they came, but they were eager to please - he was sure the Honour Bound would make an ample sacrifice on the alter of freedom. "Initiate Hyperdrive," he said abruptly. [hr] The Honour Bound passed from hyperspace, entering into proximity with its charge - the Viscount Star Defender: Independence. The observation screens displayed the ship as it was actively preparing for war; X-Wing squadrons prowled around the fringes of its profile, whilst larger transport ships flurried to and thro in a hive of activity. "Hail them," Vakleb said. A light went green on the holocomms desk in front of his chair, and though no image revealed itself - and wouldn't until the other ship accepted the call - he decided to speak at once. "This is Captain Vakelb Vilreth of the Honour Bound. We are at 98% in overall efficiency and integrity, and are ready to receive orders."