[@Joshua Tamashii][@liferusher][@Silver Fox][@Caits] [color=662d91][h2] Zephyr Hardt/ Loki[/h2][/color] He shook a bit as the ground rumbled, he also felt one of his punches connect while it felt like a bit of electricity surged through him. His other punch started to burn as it was caught and was pushed away. Causing him to glance at Thor who sent the lightning bolt, and dodge through them before looking at his fists. Pyrrha tried to taunt him to which Loki laughed. [color=662d91]"Ohhhh low blow hot stuff. Yeah I am, but I'm still a god for a reason. Yet while I would love to continue this engagement. The dumbass shouting at us has a point. Firebird and the other one need to lose one member now. For that I have a plan."[/color] Loki suggested smiling as Thor who was now decloaked fired an attack at Karn. [color=662d91]"Oooh thunder bug figured it out. Yep fire at Karn hot stuff."[/color] Loki stated forming two orbs of dark energy before throwing them at Karn. The attack would then explode unleashing a bullet storm of mini dark energy balls at Karn. The idea was simple. Penny was being too much of a babysitter and showed she was being too protective. So she would easily jump in to take the damage. [color=662d91]"Hahahaha! This is fun! Zephyr should let me take control more often!"[/color] Loki stated signaling that Zephyr was indeed not in control right now.