[h2]Karn || Crocus || Game Stadium[/h2] [@liferusher][@Oblivion666][@Joshua Tamashii][@Caits] Karn perked up as two others seemed to take the helpful advice. But Karn just happily waved at them cheerfully. [color=lime]"Oh? Wanna play? Or tea? Or cake?[/color] he innocently chirped, though bounced a bit away from Penny, dancing about in his dress as if nothing was wrong. Though was getting away from Penny so she wouldn't get caught in possible crossfire. His emerald gaze glanced up at the darkening sky as storm clouds seemed to cover it and he gave a pout as the sun vanished and so his utter supply of power. Oh well, he managed to store quite a bit while relaxing. [color=lime]"Fira let's play together kay? It'll be fun practicing with another fire wizard. Ooo maybe we can do the magical combo thing and make a giant fire bomb bird? But I'll play first to start us off!"[/color] Karn chirped, his cheery expression changing to one of unamusement as Edo-Karn briefly took over and gave a sigh. [color=springgreen]"Guess I'll let you do most of it. Unless they get too close and you run out of magic. Even in this wimpy body, I can hit quite hard. But hey, it'll be interesting if you can actually put up a fight."[/color] Edo-Karn mused before Karn switched back and giggled, blinking toward Zephyr as he and Thor started preparing attacks on them and throwing things. [color=lime]"Awe. Picking on me? Changling why?"[/color] Karn pouted before suddenly transforming into a gopher, diving into the earth and tunneled quickly through to avoid the attacks. Soon he popped up quite closer to them, transforming back as a human. Giving a smile he waved before his fists glowed a golden flame, before completely engulfing his form. Slamming his fists together. [color=lime]"Eastern Chimera Explosion!"[/color] he yelled and the flames bursted all around the area like a sudden bomb. Soon he transformed again into his draconic cat form, darting within his own flames for quick cover. The burns having little effect on him. The flames heated up the earth, in which case when they dispersed, he was back where he had started on the other side of the platform, still in his draconic cat like form and was happily rolling on his back. Pleased with the warmth. [color=springgreen]"Quit messing around."[/color] Edo-Karn said, instantly forcing the transformation back to human form when she took over, in which case Karn pouted when he resumed control. [color=lime]"But it's a game. Messing around is part of a game. Makes it lots of fun. Claire says so."[/color] he chuckled.