I'm not sure how to present my idea, but bear with me with this as I fumble my way through this Interest Check, yeah? :) Basic Idea: I'm itching to play an orc lately, more specifically playing through his life as he grow and comes to either become part of a human Barbarian tribe or come to consider a human boy of similar if not identical age that came to be part of his orcish tribe as his brother in all but blood. I'd be interested in playing out the difference and similarities in these two races, and how the more aggressive and burly orcs could get along and find common ground with a sufficiently rugged human should both be raised together or even just in close proximity. So yeah, I'm looking for someone to play a human boy that will later become a man and then an elder as we craft a magnificent bromance full of glorious bloodshed and lots of confused grunts when feelings are concerned! :P Should you be interested, I'm looking for: - Someone who can post AT LEAST two well thought-out paragraphs a post. - Someone who is all about having fun while plotting out our boys' entire life with me with possibility of nonlinear storytelling where we kinda go scenes by scenes as we will until we get utterly sick of it. - Someone who is not afraid to get crazy awesome or hilariously silly with the plot when we need a pick-me-up. - Someone who will be an internet friend on this site! :D If you apply to all of this and already have ideas or vague inklings about what you would like us to try with this plot, feel free to apply or inquire either here or via PM! Thank you for your time!