[center]~|Day 2, 18:50-19:15|~ ~|Khan, Prisoner Complex (Aurek)|~[/center] As they moved out of the Medical bay Khan had moved to cover up Navi's scuttling along while they transferred to the dining commons area, knowing that the droid was fairly invaluable as a source of information for them if they could understand him and get his cooperation. He also quickly scooped the little droid up and hid him first with his own body and then under their own section of benches, hoping that the person Navi had bumped into wouldn't give the droid's presence away with their reaction. "Shh, careful! We can try and get someone who knows what you're saying to listen to you but not if you get caught!" With that he mostly tried to focus on the food in front of him, rather than the fact that Nazca had been taken away to who knew where to have who knew what done to her and his talk with Jayda had probably gotten her in big trouble with her master. He had to admit, the food would probably be kind of lousy under normal circumstances but as hungry as he was it didn't really matter. He ate slowly but nervously, assuming that something might happen that could potentially deprive him of food later but wanting to get what enjoyment and distraction he could out of the meal. He tried to scan the room as he did and read the people in it, but hunger and his own worries distracted him from figuring things out too much. That said, he was beginning to really come to terms with being imprisoned now and more importantly with the reality that they might not escape. The whole thing made him incredibly frustrated coupled with all the suffering the Sith had already heaped on both himself and the galaxy, and he was almost tempted to just take some of the food he was eating and chuck it at the nearest Sith as an act of protest if it weren't for the fact that he was honestly too scared of the consequences of doing it. Though that said, it would make a good distraction if any of the Sith came too close to finding Navi, so he kept it in mind and kept a little extra food on hand.