[center][color=c2b280][h3]Fleo Plector – Phoenix Wing Stands[/h3][/color] [@t2wave][@cirusarvennicus][@Prince of Seraphs] [/center] Very wary now, Fleo instinctively moved back as Elizabeth wordlessly climbed over the row of seats to stand directly in front of her. Before the dusty woman could make up her mind on what to do, the interloper had already touched her arm. On impulse Fleo slapped the hand away lightly, but it seemed content to float in front of her stomach. Eyes widening, Fleo thought, [i]Is this girl some kind of mind-reader!? Can’t be. OhmyGod. I can’t risk it. If she is, I can’t think about my dust limbs. Oh, crap! I thought about them. They’re made of dust. Crap![/i] Thoroughly confusing herself, Fleo stood stock-still, and required a little bit of prodding to be made lucid enough to accept Elizabeth’s note. Terror flooded through her when she read it, and without wasting a second she crumpled it up and dropped it, then stepped back. Giving a [i]hmph[/i], she clasped her hands and looked away, pretending to concentrate on the event. [center] [color=8F9779][h3]Cormorant Sanders – Frenzy Plant Stands[/h3][/color][/center] Seated about the rest of his soldiers, General Sanders watched with an eagle’s eye. He could not say that he liked the event chosen for this game, but he disliked the flippant alliance between the Phoenix Wing wizards even more. [i]Unforgiveable. If the rules said that it was a free-for-all, my soldiers would not cheat by bandying up on the opposition, or waiting idly by for a hyena’s victory. Those I’ve trained would fight one another first; such a confrontation would be the most exciting and mean the most to them.[/i] He kept his eyes on Thor, trusting the lightning mage to do him proud. He did not anticipate that the flames of the Rider’s Blade representative would ignite the cloak of Thor and force her to reveal her face to the world for the first time since she made Frenzy Plant her home. [color=8F9779]”Hm.”[/color] Sanders raised an eyebrow ever-so-slightly. A pity that the lieutenant could not have shared her secret with her comrades when she had the chance. He watched as she summoned a storm, turning the sky dark and filling the air with a riotous charge. Before the eager eyes of her guildmates, the Thunderbird split the heavens and dropped a column of lightning on Karn’s position. No matter how quick the shapeshifter’s reflexes or potent his magic, it seemed, he could not escape such a blast. Yet escape it he did. Sanders furrowed his brows. Could nothing bad befall the members of Phoenix Wing? It seemed highly improbably that such a magnificent show of magical power could leave no scratch whatsoever on Karn, especially considering that lightning moved faster than the eye could see. No matter. Crossing his arms, Sanders leaned back. He knew that Thor would not stop fighting. If her guildmates knew anything about her, they knew her manic drive to win—enough to beat the fearsome Dullahan and gain the A rank on her first day in the guild. [center][color=d8bfd8][h3]Nero the Genie – [/h3][/color] [@liferusher][@crimson raven][@t2wave][@cirusarvennicus][@Prince of Seraphs][/center] Nero’s unhappiness left him when Ayame appeared. He stopped and allowed her to catch up. [color=d8bfd8]”Hey, kiddo! Sorry if I sounded mean back there. I can’t stand tough guys. Dime-a-dozen louts, predictable as the day is long. Not one knows a thing about real magic.”[/color] His gaze shifted to the bulging, wobbling figure of Eve, who approached the two with a look of concern on her face. Crossing her arms beneath her chest and resting them on her belly, the necromancer asked, [color=007236]”What was that? Looked like you and that other guy had an argument.”[/color] Nero shook his head. He wondered when it had gotten so dark outside. [color=d8bfd8]”Nah. He was havin’ an argument. I was havin’ a grand time.”[/color] He grinned before a flash from the center of the arena stole his attention. It appeared as though a lightning bolt had been dropped. Unfortunately, the only thing he could make out in the following moments was Karn. The sight reminded him of somewhat he wanted to meet. [color=d8bfd8]”Oh, hey! I know we just arrived, but whaddya say we look for some different seats near Phoenix Wing? There’s a customer I wanted to check in with.”[/color] The girls agreed and the trio took off at a leisurely pace. They navigated the arena with Nero in the lead, skirting through the big aisle until the Phoenix Wing stands were nearby. He spotted his target instantly: her hair and style of dress made it difficult to ignore her. After bidding his companions relax and do their own thing for a few moments, Nero sauntered up some steps until he stood only a few feet away from Trinity and her friends. [color=d8bfd8]”Heyo! Remember me?”[/color] Grateful for the distraction, Fleo threw him a smile. [color=c2b280]”Hiya! It’s been a couple months, but I remember. You’re that genie, right?”[/color] Nero nodded, delighted to be recognized. [color=d8bfd8]”Yes ma’am! Always nice to meet a fan. It’s fan-tastic! Nyeheh.”[/color] He glanced at Ariel and Elizabeth, but recognized neither. Without missing a beat he continued. [color=d8bfd8]”Anyway, Trinity: I was just looking at Karn and I thought to myself, ‘he doesn’t look sick, but if he is, I oughta check in with Trin to see if I could cash in that rain check’. So how about it? Is he ready to meet the miracle worker, or d’you have something else in mind I can grant ya?”[/color] As usual, he beamed at every lady present.