Ryan slept in his quarters, for the last few years this ship had a skeleton crew, and was relegated to secondary duty. In the span of 24 hours, Ryan had to bring in the full crew, supplies, fighters, and the land detachment. The Ship was 90 percent ready to depart to meet with the rest of the fleet, At the moment medical and the last of the fighters were being loaded. For the last 23 hours Ryan had been in meeting after meeting. Due to shortage of manpower Ryan had been forced to enlist any civilian who was willing to join while this made it possible to ensure the full crew needed was available, it brought up other problems. One of the major issues being the Ground detachment. The force was comprised of a single regiment of volunteers. 1,000 light troops along with their supplies and support staff, comprised of volunteers from multiple worlds and races. The required material the ground forces took longer then expected, Rifles,Ammo,Anti Armor weapons and gear all took time to load, since The volunteers were the last to be formed, their supplies were the last to loaded on. Sadly the supplies were taking longer then expected. with the over taxed and undertrained loading crews, it was taking alot longer then Ryan would like Suddenly over the Captains quarters intercom "Captain Altwood to the bridge, Repeat Altwood to the bridge." A female voice says as Ryan opens his eyes and sits up. after a few seconds he get dressed in his Uniform. Unlike most naval officers Ryan wore light combat armor the combat fatigues of the marines stationed on board. Ryan knew that while he may never see combat like the regular army with enemy forces firing at him, but he knew he would never be the kind of leader that hid away from the action while better people died in his stead.