[hider=Jin Yeong Seonu] Name: Seonu, Jin Yeong Race: Jade Rabbit / Sansin. Takes after the rabbit side far more. Age: 83 Gender: Male [u]Appearance: [/u] 3'6" tall and thin with tanned skin and gold eyes, Jin does not cut an impressive figure. His black hair, that would reach to his ankles if it wasn't in a topknot, is one of his greatest assets and he hides it constantly under his paeraengi. It tickles his ears otherwise. He typically wears a blue jeondok and gray dongdari with his paeraengi. His face is extraordinarily handsome except for his eyes which resemble those of a tiger far too closely for most to find pleasant. His talisman is actually a thin black headband that usually hides beneath the concealment of his paeraengi. However, his ears are not quite so subtle. His human ears are normal enough. His black rabbit ears emerge out from under his paeraengi at the back like a pair of black shade flaps and extend down to just past his shoulder blades. [b][u]Spirit Forms:[/u][/b] Jade Rabbit's Descendant Form. In this form he can use his mortar and pestle but not his spear. [URL=http://s15.photobucket.com/user/Haeo/media/Blak%20Rabbit%20Spirit%20Form%202.jpg.html][IMG]http://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a354/Haeo/Blak%20Rabbit%20Spirit%20Form%202.jpg[/IMG][/URL] Mountain Hare Form. Small and compact, extraordinarily fast and nimble, this form allows him both subtlety and speed of travel. But, he cannot use either his spear or his mortar and pestle in this form. [URL=http://s15.photobucket.com/user/Haeo/media/Black%20Rabbit%20Spirit%20Form.jpg.html][IMG]http://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a354/Haeo/Black%20Rabbit%20Spirit%20Form.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [u]Skills:[/u] Capable with his spear but far from a master, Jin Yeong is not a warrior. Mostly fluent in defensive fighting and quite willing to use ignoble fighting techniques to gain distance, time, create an opening, or shamelessly flee, he has limited value in combat. It is the Mortar and Pestle magic of his mother's line that makes him a true asset of the guild. He has learned a number of miscellaneous skills over the decades. He can cook, but not very well. He can clean, but he tends to do too much. He has also taken up ink painting and has some skill but while his work is lovely, it still shows some signs of the amateur. He keeps the completed ones locked away. His calligraphy and style are masterful and he takes a meticulous delight in paperwork and orderly spaces wielding the brush with loving care and the broom and rag with zeal. [u]Powers:[/u] [b]Stamina of the Moon:[/b] Moonlight restores his stamina. He can run full rabbit scamper so long as the moon shines on him. He also can't grow tired or sleepy in moonlit areas. [b]Rhythm of Healing:[/b] Using Mortar and Pestle, pounds any medicinal or herbal substance into what medicine is desired. ((Medicines that raise the dead or grant immortality are beyond his power. Only the head of the family can make those.)) [b]Rhythm of Sustenance:[/b] Using Mortar and Pestle, pounds any edible substance into however much staple food is needed. ((Greater variety can be attained by practicing but he hasn't practiced.)) [u]Weapons/Equipment:[/u] [b]Mortar and Pestle[/b] (magical/summoned): Used for the powers from his mother's side. [b]Spear of Heaven's Lake[/b] (Artifact, gift from his father the Sansin of Baekdu): Can bring a sudden freeze to a large area and freeze those wounded by its blade from the inside out, very quickly. The area freeze only affects inanimate objects, covering them in ice and making them both slippery and resistant to burning. [u]Bio:[/u] Born the son of an intense love between Hye Won, a daughter of the Jade Rabbit who makes the medicine of immortality for the gods and Jong Hyeon, the hidden Sansin of Baekdu Mountain, Jin Yeong holds a rather uncommon status. He is a full blooded god but, due to his parents' elopement, lacks any of the authority or prestige that that inheritance would normally provide. Because of the intensity of their love, his parents disregarded the prohibitions against the line of the Jade Rabbit wedding the gods of earth and secretly wed without any blessings or ceremonies. The Jade Rabbit was displeased by his daughter's disrespect but his duties kept him with the moon, unable to intervene in spite of his irritation and worry. Disregard for the prohibitions can invite terrible punishments. Some little time passed and Hye Won came to be with child. She and her beloved husband expected the reputation of her pedigree to hold true and for the birth to produce numerous offspring with little effort. However, the pregnancy drained her and she fell gravely ill. When the time for labor came, the process was far more difficult than either had anticipated and only one small child emerged. This was seen as a sign that the universe was punishing them for their disrespect of the Jade Rabbit and propriety. The little boy was named Jin Yeong, due to the rarity of a single birth to a rabbit mother. His black coloring was also unusual. However, this rarity only added to the pressure of disapproval that weighed on his parents. It was especially difficult because it took nearly eleven years for Hye Won to finally recover. All these rare misfortunes were attributed to the improper union. But, in the end, Hye Won's recovery and her subsequent healthy pregnancy, which produced four daughters, were seen as proof that the couple had paid the price for their injudicious behavior. Thenceforth they suffered no grave misfortunes, much to the relief of their families. Yet, things were not all well with their rapidly growing family. Their firstborn son had the patient rage of his father and the timidity of his mother. With this combination of traits his company grew rapidly unpalatable to either Jong Hyeon or the Jade Rabbit as he aged. With the disapproval of both his father and grandfather, Jin Yeong strove to learn and grow as quickly as possible, studying intensely in order to minimize the strain that his presence caused. Then he waited for the proper time, leaving home as soon as was permitted, to make his way in the world on his own. Only the gifts that were given to him by his parents when he came of age accompanied him when he left the mountain. On his bed, he left a letter giving gratitude and respect to each member of his family for the many things they had taught him and giving them credit for all of his limited achievements, as it was only due to his family's dutiful aid that he achieved anything at all. At the time of his departure, he had twenty-three sisters and eighteen brothers and his parents were well and strong. As a Jade Rabbit, he lacks much of a fighting spirit and prefers to either avoid conflict or settle it peacefully if at all possible. As a descendant of the Sansin of Baekdu Mountain, he is fearless when angered and patient in revenge. He is also mildly Confucian in his thinking and insists on following certain formalities in his dealings with others. It is this combination of traits that led him to the guild of his own volition. The prospect of applying social pressure to diminish the conflict between humans and the other beings of the world was too tempting a prospect. With so little expected of him by any of his family or their acquaintances, he was free to choose his own goals and methods without reference to any other person or power but his own principles. Due to his specific array of talents and limited powers, most of his missions for the guild have involved message carrying, medicine, food, or deftly handling the intricate subtleties of the paperwork and bureaucracy. In fact, he may be the only person in the guild who actually enjoys having a desk of paperwork to come back to. [/hider]