[color=00a651] [center][h2][u]If you die in the jungle, does anyone hear your screams?[/u][/h2][/center] [img]http://img02.deviantart.net/df83/i/2009/012/0/c/jungle_by_unidcolor.jpg[/img] Deep in the lost acres of the Gaian Jungles, an ancient ruin lies in shambles. The trees, giant overseers of the jungle loom over a dreary and deadly swamp, infested with vicious piranhas and poisonous frogs. A strange fog looms over the marshes, making it difficult for wizards to conjure the waters, and nullifying most any other forms of magic for anyone falling in to the depths. A vast and nearly endless sea of treas and strange flora surround the swamp, while several rivers extend outwards, flowing with ankle-chewing monster fish. The fog only seems to cover the water's surface, and does not extend through the jungle. The ruins lie at the top of a flattened mountain, sprouting out of the poisonous murk, with several means of access, such as flimsy rope bridges, and some steppes. Signs that the ancient civilization that once lived here remain as rusted or destroyed magitech parts, some of which were built for an aquaduct that now spills forth murky water. The first several layers of rock are destructible, however fifty feet deep in to the stone lies the roof of a magitech factory, which has been built to withstand incredibly powerful explosions, and is otherwise impervious to damage. Much of the exterior ruins are also indestructible, proof that whatever wiped out this city must have been powerful. Various outcrops of walls make perfect cover spots, since they will not break from gunfire or blasts, however they can be pushed down, since many of them aren't rooted deep in to the ground. [/color]