[b]Penny[/b] [@Silver Fox][@Liferusher][@oblivion666] Penny smiled indulegental at Karn, [color=f7976a]"No, I don't think it is meant to happen. Lets wrap this up quick, shall we?" [/color]The others seemed intent on attacking them now, on pushing them apart and preventing them from doing this together. Penny wasn't particularly concerned about Karn in a fight now, knowing that they could take care of themselves. She took a few moments to watch Karn, almost playing with the others like a cat would a piece of string. The other contestants didn't know what they were getting into, with Karn. So Penny supposed it was time she went full out. As Karn rolled in his cat form, Penny summoned flames, bright yellow, Orange, red and some flashes of purple. They engulfed her body, forming what she took as her Phoenix form. She might not be able to fly with it, but she certainly could fight with it. Thor was the biggest problem here. Especially if somehow she paired with Zephyr, in whatever form of his could channel lightening. So, Penny targeted Thor first. Flames began to swirl around her, growing larger and larger, a torrent of fire that spun faster and faster. [color=f7976a]"Phoenix flames!"[/color] They angled towards Thor like a ribbon, twirling still, seeming to grow stronger as it approached the lightening mage. Penny wasn't foolish enough to believe that that would land, or do much damage. So Penny ran after the torrent of flames, leaving charred foot prints in the ground, she leaped towards Thor [color=f7976a]"Phoenix Slash!"[/color] It was essentially a slash of her flamed arm, like a wing, towards Thor. And the ground shook violently again, this time tilting slightly. [b]Michea[/b] [color=00a651]"Yeah, that would work. I wouldn't be able to talk with half the members"[/color] Michael replied, although there was amusement, before it faded, watching Zephyr with his god take over. Michael didn't think that was a good thing. As the island shook again, Michael shifted, looking up, trying to study the island.[color=00a651] "Its...almost like the magic is failing"[/color] [b]Carrie[/b] [@Burthstone] Carrie frowned, taking the list, but it didn't take her long, no more then a handful of seconds, to decide. She tore the paper up, and shook her head. [color=fff200]"No. If I clear this list for you, that's a step in the wrong direction. That's a step in becoming corrupted, and I won't do it. Spread what you want about me. I don't care. Do what you must. I do not care. I will not tarnish this new council by doing something for you. Clean up your own messes, Vale."[/color] She let the pieces of paper fall. [color=fff200]"I'm not scared of you. Do your worst, Vale."[/color] [b]Jessie[/b] [@Hatakekuro] Her? Join a guild? That was almost laughable. Jessie couldn't do any serious magic. Why would any guild want her? She squirmed as she was placed back in her seat, giving a soft sigh. [color=f6989d]"Well, you do need watching" [/color]She said, trying to keep amusement in her voice, but she was relieved. She had been worried. She shifted, and leaned back against the table, turning her mic back on. [color=f6989d]"Well, it certainly has become quite powerful! They're rocking the island! Anyone could win this event, and the contestants are sure putting on a fantastic show! A true display of a mages power!"[/color]