[h3]Gregory Vale -- Crocus Streets[/h3] Gregory smiled for a moment, before giving Carrie a soft laugh. [color=Silver]"I'll give you credit, you know how to call a bluff. That or you're willing to sacrifice your personal reputation for what you believe in, which is also respectable,"[/color] he'd offer her his hand, to shake. [color=Silver]"Well, seems that concludes our meeting here. I'm sure we'll see each other again, Miss Carrie. Though there's a decent chance it may be through a prison lacrima,"[/color] he seemed oddly sincere for the master of a Dark Guild. Even if she was a Telepath, it is unlikely that Carrie would detect even the faintest glimmer of malice or insincerity in Gregory as he held out his hand. [@Caits]