[center][h2]Damian Gerard|Secluded Park[/h2][/center] [center][@Lmpkio][/center] Damian executed a double spinning slash, dispatching the last of the imaginary sword wielders and their blades dissipating. Sighing, he sheathes the pair of blades and rests them against a bench. [color=FireBrick]"Well, I can't say I'm keen on the idea of taking a break too soon, but I suppose I can long enough to eat."[/color] Removing a lacrima from a pouch on his belt, he drops it in the middle of his camps and a dome raises. This would keep anyone he hadn't invited into his camp and training zone from getting in and stealing things. As he inspected it, he found himself once more amazed at Jarvis' skill with lacrima. Turning to Samir, he smiles. [color=FireBrick]"Well then, shall we?"[/color]