[center] [hr][hr][color=purple][h1]Delores "Dee-Dee" DeMarco[/h1][/color] [img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BxWwoRkIYAAL1-t.jpg[/img] [color=purple][h3][i]“Don't think I won't cut you just because you're cute.”[/i][/h3][/color] [b][i]– Dee-Dee; shortly after her arrest.[/i][/b] [i][sub]Dee-Dee is fit and strong with curves like a dancer, jet black hair to the small of her back, naturally tan skin, and deep brown eyes. She has a number of piercings including her ears, tounge, navel, both nipples, a nose stud on the right side, and her left eyebrow. [/sub] [/i] [hr][hr] [h3]Basic Information[/h3][/center] [color=purple]N A M E[/color] [indent]Delores DeMarco[/indent] [color=purple]N I C K N A M E[/color] [indent]Dee-Dee: everyone calls her by this name.[/indent] [color=purple]B I R T H D A T E[/color] [indent]August 17th[/indent] [color=purple]G E N D E R[/color] [indent]Male-to-Female Transgender[/indent] [color=purple]A G E[/color] [indent]18[/indent] [color=purple]S E X U A L I T Y[/color] [indent]Pansexual[/indent] [center][hr][hr] [h3]Imprisonment[/h3][/center] [color=purple]C R I M E S[/color] [indent][list] [*]Possession & Solicitation of illegal Narcotics- In this case Dee-Dee was actually dealing in a variety of drugs quite regularly. [*]Theft- Multiple counts but mostly petty things like food. [*]Sexual Assault- She was accused but never proven guilty of sexually assaulting her ex-boyfriend who sold her out for a pardon. [*]Sexual Deviancy- According to Inquisition Law transgenderism falls into this category. [*]Resisting Arrest- Obviously no one wants to be executed so instead of crying she fought back. [*]Assaulting an Inquisitor- Three counts from the three Inquisitors who ended up with broken bones during the arrest. [*]Aggravated Assault- After her incarceration she beat two of the other prisoners who tried to jump her in the shower. [*]Murder- A dispute between two prisoners ended with one bleeding out on the floor. [/list] [/indent] [color=purple]Y E A R S S P E N T[/color] [indent]1[/indent] [color=purple]P R I S O N E L E C T I V E[/color] [indent]Maintenance Workshop[/indent] [color=purple]C E L L M A T E[/color] [indent]Solitary Confinement[/indent] [center][hr][hr] [h3]Education & Skills[/h3][/center] [color=purple]O C C U P A T I O N[/color] [indent]Drug Dealer[/indent] [color=purple]C L A S S E S[/color] [indent]Dee-Dee attended the school of life and so her education was widely varied. [list] [*]Chemistry [*]Medicine [*]Hand to Hand fighting [*]Improvised Weapons [*]Cooking & Preserving Food [/list][/indent] [color=purple]S K I L L S[/color] [indent][list] [*]Highly Adaptable [*]Cool Under Pressure [*]Charismatic [/list][/indent] [center][hr][hr] [h3]Mannerisms[/h3][/center] [color=purple]L I K E S[/color] [indent][list] [*]Sex [*]Good Herb [*]Fighting [*]Eating [*]Drinking [*]Being treated as an equal [/list][/indent] [color=purple]D I S L I K E S[/color] [indent][list] [*]Willful Ignorance [*]Arrogance [*]Authority Figures [*]Indecision [*]Unprovoked Violence [*]Condescension [*]Jokes about her genitals [/list][/indent] [color=purple]H A B I T S[/color] [indent][list] [*]Constantly checks her surroundings [*]Doesn't always look at people when she talks to them [*]Clenches her fists when she's nervous [/list][/indent] [color=purple]H O B B I E S[/color] [indent][list] [*]Yoga [*]Growing Herb [*] [/list][/indent] [color=purple]F E A R S[/color] [indent][list] [*]Animals [*]Insects [*]Arachnids [/list][/indent] [center][hr][hr] [h3]Delving Deeper[/h3][/center] [color=purple]P E R S O N A L I T Y[/color] [indent]Dee-Dee is pragmatic at her core and always tries to react according to the situation at hand. If someone is helpless she'll gladly nurse them back to health. On the other hand, she's also perfectly okay with breaking a few fingers in order to get a client to pay what they owe her. It's not that she lacks compassion for others but her entire life she has only had herself to rely on. This has led her to be fiercely independent although this also means that she doesn't work well with others and has trouble trusting strangers in any capacity. [/indent] [color=purple]H I S T O R Y[/color] [indent] Very few people knew Dee-Dee before her transition. Even fewer are still alive to talk about those times. The only thing that's known for sure is that Dee-Dee used to be a drug mule for a dealer and used her earnings to afford her transition. Sometime later she went in business for herself. Living as an unregistered transgendered orphan there was no real way for her to have a legitimate job so she turned to something she knew. Life as a vagrant was working out alright until word got out that a certain spoiled rich kid was having a tryst with a drug dealing vagrant. In the end Dee-Dee took all the blame and was even accused of forcing herself on the young man to save face with his famil. She wasn't particularly angry about it but it did mean that her life would change forever and she had to deal with that.[/indent] [color=purple]T H E M E S O N G[/color] [indent][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cFYe2k4HH9o]not your kind of people - Garbage[/url] [sub]We are not your kind of people. You seem kind of phony. Everything's a lie. We are not your kind of people. Something in your makeup. Don't see eye to eye...[/sub][/indent] [center][hr][hr] [color=purple]E X T R A I N F O[/color] [indent]This does not need to be filled out immediately. This is something that can be added on as the RP goes. Mostly random facts will go here[/indent]