Hey guys, ThePointyEnd here! I've been on a hiatus from the Roleplayer Guild for a while, but recently I've been lurking around in an attempt to determine whether or not I wanted to get back into it. Well I do! I'm pretty sure I know pretty much everything that I need to know to be your perfect roleplaying partner, but please do excuse me if I have a hiccup every once in a while. It's been a rather long time since I have roleplayed! I would say that my skill level falls anywhere between casual-to-advanced, depending on how interested I am in the roleplay and the content of the posts that I am given to respond to. I am a sucker for detail though, so if I really am in love with the premise of the story that we are building together, my posts will most likely get very lengthy. What can I say? I just can't help myself! But anyways, that's enough about myself. In this thread I'm just going to lay out what I expect from my partners and from my roleplays, and I'll also jot down a few of my ideas for roleplays that I'd love to do with someone! So without further adieu, here are my guidelines! [b][u]Guidelines[/u][/b] - I have a life outside of roleplaying. I won't be able to respond twenty times in one day, so if you want someone that you can roleplay with throughout the day, I may not be the guy for you. I'll try my hardest to reply at least twice a day, but sometimes work and school get in the way of that goal. I ask for your posting habits to be the same, and if you need to go away for a long while, then just let me know! I totally understand. - Let me know if you no longer want to roleplay with me so I know not to be waiting for a reply that I'll never get! - I am an adult and I expect you to be one as well as I prefer to have mature content in my roleplays, be it sex, gore, violence, language, or all of them together if the situation calls for! - Be open-minded and friendly. I like friendly chat while working out details, if someone is dry then I assume they don't have any interest in what's going on. - I'm a male, but I'm just as talented as playing as a female. I'm versatile! I'm open for MxM, MxF, or FxF pairings! - Work with me and help me advance the plot. I don't want to be going at this alone! - Post at least two or three meaty paragraphs per response, and please employ proper grammar and structure! [b][u]Pairings[/u][/b] [hider=Medieval] - King x Commoner - Knight x Squire - Royal x Servant - Royal x Suitor From Another Kingdom - Arranged Marriage - Prince x Prince/Princess of Another Kingdom - Priest x Royal - King x Lady-in-Waiting - Queen x Handmaiden - Knight x King/Queen [/hider] [hider=Fantasy] - Wizard x Apprentice - Elf x Human - Vampire x Human - Demon x Human - Spirit x Human - Demon x Angel - God x Human - God x God [/hider] [hider=Historical] - Wild West - Colonization of Americas - American Revolution - French Revolution - German Occupied Country During WWII - Ancient Greece - Ancient Rome - Pirates! [/hider] [hider=Slice of Life] - Teacher x Student - Best Friends - Cheating Spouses - Kidnapping - Criminals - Officer x Criminal - Parent x Child - Sibling x Sibling - City Person x Country Person - Famous Person x Fan - Photographer x Model - Popular Kid x Nerdy Kid - Soldier x Soldier - Spouse x Soldier Returning Home [/hider] [hider=Sci-Fi] - Custom Superheroes - Captain x Crewmate - Exploring New Planet - Bounty Hunters - Space Pirates - Alien x Human - Post-Apocalypse [/hider] [hider=Fandoms] - The Witcher - Mass Effect - Fallout - Elder Scrolls - Dragon Age - Star Wars - Marvel Universe - Any other video game universe [/hider]