It was common for any members present at hand to leave the main laboratory whenever something big was going down, be it discussing sensitive issues even they were not allowed to hear, handling transfers and deliveries only adept specialists can handle, and the rare but grave visit from Big Boss himself. When the few scientists heard the scuffle going on in Dr. Baoning’s office, they had the common courtesy of leaving, and turning a blind eye to what had happened. For all intents and purposes, Agent Caits was not going to get in trouble – there was no trouble, which was unfortunate for the doctor with a broken, bleeding nose. He held it hard, trying to staunch the bleeding but to no avail. He couldn’t ask for help, because they were the only two there, and unfortunately for him, no cameras were installed for ultimate secrecy. ‘Christ, you bitch. I always knew you were never in on this full-heartedly. You sympathize with these [b][i]things[/i][/b], you traitor. Like I’m going to just hand you the codes.’