[h3][color=orange]Ariel - GMG Phoenix Wing Stands[/color][/h3] [@CirusArvennicus][@Prince of Seraphs][@Lugubrious] Fuming in the background for a moment she watched as the Ice mage continued to act oddly. Apparently she had a scar from some incident in the past. And them she began to interact with Fleo. Or about as well as she could apparently. If Ariel had any Spirit magic left she probably would have changed to it from confusion. But since she didn't Ariel was left to latch onto anger. [color=orange]"Hey! Back off will ya."[/color] While Trinity took to consoling Fleo, Ariel stepped in between Fleo and Elizabeth. If something didn't change shortly then the Fire personality was liable to make her do something rash. Much like Fleo though, Ariel found a distraction in Nero's appearance. She hadn't seen him in a while. In fact she'd forgotten about him. As she recalled he refused to split apart her magics, which she now knew would have been futile anyway. As they spoke though she realized they were talking about Karn. That got her full attention and her anger died out instantly. What were they planning to do? Like that Ariel switched to a magic none of them had seen before. It was distinctly different from the others in that her color didn't just change, but also some of her physical traits. Her clothes and eyes turned green, parts of her skin became rough like the bark of a tree, her hair became leafy, and several flowers sprouted and bloomed in the sun. [hider=Green Magic] [img]http://i.imgur.com/JK5LRsUl.png[/img] [/hider] The changes didn't seem to bother her in the slightest as she stepped over to Trinity and Nero. [color=green]"Excuse me. I couldn't help but overhear. I'm not sure what you may be thinking of trying, but I have to advise caution. The two Karn's have to stay together for now. Splitting them apart too early may harm them."[/color] Her tone and body language was a lot more calm. Her hands were folded over one another in front of her. It almost sounded like she was speaking to them as children.