[@natsume-honnaji] [@lunarlors34] [@raijinslayer] [@Expolar] [b]Lux Harken[/b] The light mage was not about to let the monster get away from him. However, he did have to take a moment with the pair in his protective spell. The mother would likely die if she did not receive medical treatment soon. While the likelihood of a quickly raising amount of casualties prevented him from staying and providing the necessary help it did not mean he could could not make sure she lasted until somebody else could arrive to help. Lux ran his hand along the barrier as he charged past, changing it's properties as he did so. The light inside the barrier changed as he did so. The much softer shade indicating the from protecting the occupants to reinforcing them. Blood loss slowed and the pain in the mother's lower half started to become much more bearable. Having done what he could Lux continued on down the street at top speed. The sight of a building collapsing made him grit his teeth as he realized that he would not be able to close to short range in time. Reaching inside his mind he grabbed an image and wrapped it in magic. The words of the freeform spell bursting from his lips. "Light Make: Spears!" A series of bright yellow boar spears formed around him and shot off towards the abomination. Even if they missed none of the spears would hit any of the nearby civilians. If one did hit it would pin the monster in place while the purification magic woven in would burn away at the very magic that gave the beast life. Whatever the case it's attention would be on Lux rather than the helpless pedestrians.