The train ride you take is from the last proper city you will ever see quite some time. As you ride you see quite clearly the demarcation between civilization and an endless expanse of wilderness. Days and nights pass soon as you keep riding for days. There will be no other stops since when you first stepped on the train. The landscape seems to shift between a blur of open fields to sometimes including other features to occasionally passing through a sea of verdancy when it goes through a forest. The denizens of the train outside of the employees where a mix of settlers, officials, and a handful of hired explorers. The wilderness soon stops being so empty and starts being dotted with small rural settlements with a bunch of farms. Finally the train's velocity begins to wind down as you enter into a town as the train cruises into the station. You then meet your contact who goes by the name of Gregory E. Vert. This middle aged man dressed in rather relaxed garb greets in the noon day sun and shows you to a carriage that is pulled by horses which takes you to an oblong nondescript stone building. He tells you that despite its humble size , you will find it functional to your needs and shows the various rooms. There a bunch of areas for holding guild memebers, a eating area/kitchen, rooms with devices for certain things, a storage place. He tells that should need arise the guild building can be expanded and fitted with things you want but that you will need to first file some paperwork and pay for the costs yourselves. As due to the distance you will be somewhat financial independent from greater guild support outside of the stipends for being hired by the government.