[h1]Nidhogg[/h1] Nidhogg looked up to see Shiro approaching him, a light smile crossing his face as he did so. He took the towel in hand, but didn't do anything with it, as he was clean enough at the moment, so the creature wouldn't be slowly tortured to death. "Well, it's glad to see you, and tell your Mistress that I don't mind her- Hello." Nidhogg turned to face the creature as it began it's attack, laying down quite a fierce barrage upon the necromatic mage before seeming to burying him underneath a pile of rubble. As Shiro began to assault the beast, however, Nidhogg's current meat puppet would suddenly bend over as if pained, letting out an eerie groan the resonated through the small square, it's body twisting and crawling as the flesh began to melt and rot, before transforming into something different. A new [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/29/70/6e/29706efef6501b5bb29c65a75607b6c4.jpg]figure[/url] now stood in it's place, bulky and intimidating, with a cloak of living flesh writhing around it as it let out a haunting roar. The beast would wait to see the results of Shiro's attack, before charging forward, shifting it's arm into a large mass of spiked bone, swinging it around to smack it into the beast in a powerful strike to the side. If it hit, the creature would be sent flying into another nearby building, only to be followed by the undead horror as it let out another roar, transforming both of it's hands into a pair of viscous claws and would attempt to claw the shadow beast to death. Meanwhile, the ground beside Cody and Dawn would burst in a spray of concrete and dust as a sizable spire of bone arose from the street, quickly unfolding like some morbid flower to show Nidhogg in his Defense Form, which he morphed out of soon after his appearance. He cracked his neck a little, his red eyes filled with an unnerving amount of glee as he shifted into his speed form, dark wings bursting from his back as midnight claws and horns grew with them. A sinuous tail would sprout as well, flicking about gently before softly curling around the little girl's cheek, wiping the tears from her face. "Don't worry, little one, I'll be sure to make sure that creature doesn't hurt anyone else." Nidhogg said, his gaze shifting for a moment, a singular moment, into one of genuine kindness and compassion. In this mother and her daughter, he felt like he saw something flicker across his vision, super imposing upon them. a possible future, or a vision of a past that he wasn't quite sure he wanted to think about right now. But as soon as it came, it left, and the mischief and excitement returned. He shifted his gaze to the two next to him, than to the current status of the fight. "Well than, it seems we've got ourselves a bit of excitement here, don't we? No need to look so glum about it, as far as I can see, there's only been one casualty . . . unless some people where in that building that got knocked, in which case one of you might want to handle that, cause I'm afraid this monster is more than covered. Sorry, better luck next time." Nidhogg would give them a fearsome fanged grin before vanishing in a burst of speed, his meat puppet backing off the creature once it had been assaulted by another mage, only for him to appear above it, his hand transformed into his Assault form, like a gauntlet of darkness that pulsed with dark energy as he slammed it down, hopping to turn the creature into paste, but not planning on it. As he made his attack, however, the area around them would burst into a barrage of ivory spires coming from the bone tunnel he'd crafted underneath the street in order to appear behind Dawn and COdy, melding into each other to form a dome around the entirety of the battlefield, an attempt to keep the creature from escaping by cutting off it's avenue of escape. Civilians were in the process of being grabbed by small but strong flesh creatures, getting dragged out of the dome so that Nidhogg wouldn't have to deal with the blow back if he accidentally killed one of them. Everyone would be thrown into darkness, and a few buildings would be slightly bisected, but over all the damage wasn't too bad. After the attack, he'd hopefully be able to back off, the light from the other mage's light spears casting a haunting glow on both Nidhogg and his beast as they circled the shadow creature. "Hey, Bright Boy, light it up as much as you can in here, try not to leave a single shadow this thing can escape to. Oh, and do be sure not to finish it too quickly, yeah? It wouldn't be any fun if we killed this thing so easily, and your magic really does make that a high plausibility, yeah?" He smiled at first, but inside Nidhogg was screaming in pain as he held one of his hands behind him. It twitched ever so slightly as the purifying nature of the boy's magic attempted to spread through him, only for him to quickly subdue it by pushing a powerful surge of necrotic energy into the limb. The light spears that would've possibly kept the creature contained have likely been broken by the impact of his attack, something which the dark mage wasn't to upset about. In actuality, he was glad for any excuse to continue the fight, as it was really getting exciting. Well, except for the one mage who seemed quite set on the idea of killing this creature as soon as possible.[i]Got to keep an eye on that one, his magic is . . . dangerous. But more importantly, it's likely to be effective against the creature, and I doubt that someone with magic like that will react positively and cooperatively to my simple request. A pity, truly, but such is life.[/i] Shaking his head, Nidhogg got into a ready position, tucking his wings in for now as he got ready for the monster's next attack. it be a pretty disappointing monster if it had died already, and that would certainly make it so harder to explain the dome of bone to the Rune Knights, who would find that the dome would only allow them to phase through at a rate of one per minute. [@Natsume Honnaji] [@Lunarlors34] [@Silvan Haven] [@Prince of Seraphs] [@Expolar]