It seemed to take forever and a day and Ember had lost concentration on more than one occasion but she had finally managed to stabilize the water in the basement bathhouse. The glyphs on the bottom of the large bath stopped pulsing and glowing and water was no longer spewing into the air. The pixie was proud of herself and but was also a little drained. She floated down to the ground and sat on the edge of the bath, dangling her feet down towards the water. She was so small that her legs barely reached to the top of the water and she gently kicked at the surface with her toes. The bath was working again but the place was filthy and as Ember had touched down she kicked up a small cloud of dust. It swirled around for a second or two before it finally reached her nose. The pixie's face scrunched up in a way that made her look far less attractive than she actually was then settled. She repeated this action again and was pleased when she didn't let out a sneeze. She was taken entirely by surprise when a sneeze finally erupted from her mouth and nose, causing her entire body to tense up. She let out a noise so loud it seemed unnatural for someone so tiny to produce. With the blasted dust finally free of her nose, Ember quietly groaned and said to herself "This place is filthy....And smelly to boot."