Wraith tensed, piercing red eyes beneath the mask assessing the newcomer, as she kept a fighting stance ready, her steps slow and methodical, circling the State Alchemist. Ever since her ordeal, all sorts of military had claimed to try and subdue her in the name of justice, for getting rid of the scum that had been Albert. And each time, they were felled. The blood on her hands just kept growing and growing. And then, he murmured, looking at the impaled waste of human life. She narrowed her eyes. Why wasn't him taking action? Had he never heard of her? What was his purpose on looking at the fallen man? And then it dawned on her. His eyes... His eyes were dead. Much like people she had seen before, all fellow Ishvalans whose hopes and dreams had been crushed before their eyes. She lowered her stance, not intending to follow up and fell the Amestrian military dog, but kept wary of possible surprise attacks. Her eyes darted to her surroundings, and then the man, as she slowly but surely kept marching towards the exit. "You're dead inside, State Alchemist. How fitting." She sneered, as she took her way out. "May Ishvala receive your sinful souls and offer you mercy." She added, before finally taking her leave into the plaza.