Okay, here he is. Something of a dickbag but very good at fighting, so long as he has his sword, armour and shield. On the downside, no tracking or hunting abilities and will complain about living conditions for a while. [hider=Sable Sedgewick] [b]Name[/b]: Sable of house Sedgewick [b]Age[/b]: Eighteen Winters [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Appearance[/b]: Around the average height for a man of eighteen, Sable stands with a straight back and a curled lip. The former was drilled into him by military instruction from the age of seven, the latter a gift of generations of good breeding. His smirk is somewhat ruined by a scar on his upper lip, a gift from his oldest brother. The famous blonde Sedgwick hair is evident on his head but clipped down with military precision. [hider=Sable Sedgewick] [img]http://i.imgur.com/ehshk2V.jpg[/img] [/hider] [b]Skills[/b]: Like most members of prestigious houses, Sable was trained from an early age to be able to use those weapons suitable for nobles; swords, shields, lances and cutting remarks. He can hold his own against most professional soldiers and is lucky enough to own his own set of armour and sword. [b]History[/b]: House Sedgewick is an old and established house that has been loyal to the crown for most of Auron’s history. The sons and daughters of House Sedgewick have done many great deeds, from leading armies to building trade routes, though the last few years have taken some of have taken a heavy toll on the coffers of the house. The current head of the house, Damien Sedgewick, has turned his attention back to this illustrious history and has done his best to hammer the lessons of the past into his children. His four sons have been trained for battle and command from the tender age of seven, his two daughters have been educated in the managing of money and prepared to restore the family fortunes. As the oldest son, Adam Sedgewick had the most care and respect lavished upon him. Through his childhood he was constantly reminded that he was the most important member of the house Sedgewick, the one upon whom the dynasties future rests upon. In turn, he made sure to remind his siblings of this whenever he could. His size and superior training made him the equal and indeed better of his brothers in the sparring ring. When Sable was eleven, Adam gave him a scar on his lip to, as he put it, “remind you of your place whenever you smile”. The second son of the house, Jeremiah Sedgewick, will be trusted with the command of the house’s military forces. In many ways, he is the polar opposite of Adam, a kind and generous soul. The third child, Victoria, proved herself to be a mathematical prodigy and the clear master of house Sedgewick’s finances. Roystone Sedgewick was neither the first born nor as charming as Jeremiah and found it hard to find his niche in the family and so, at fifteen, he left to join a monastery. Belinda Sedgewick is the only child of the house to show much magical talent, making her especially precious to her parents. [hider=Sedgewick Family Tree] [img]http://i.imgur.com/SqyTQ7c.jpg[/img] [/hider] As the sixth child and youngest son of the house, Sable could never hope to lead the house. As a fourth son, Sable could not even hope to marry into a respectable house. As a fourth son, he had only two options; fade into obscurity as an old spinster or join a monastery. Sedgewick decided to choose the third, travelling to Roseview and attending the choosing ceremony. [b]Personality[/b]: Raised in a noble household, Sable has a deep-seated belief that he is better than the common folk, through long generations of breeding and superior education. Conversely, he also has a terrible need for approval after a childhood starved of attention or affection. As such, he’s prickly and aggressive when first encountered but will readily develop a loyal friendship with anyone prepared to work through the opening difficulties. [/hider]