Hello! The name’s Determination, though feel free to call me Det. I’m a friendly person, and just your regular Undertale trash. You’ll find me in the garbage dump of the Underground, hanging with the rusted bike. We’re good pals by now. If it isn’t obvious, I am seeking partners who have at least some knowledge of Undertale and can roleplay either within its universe or in one of the alternate universes based around it. My preferred genres for roleplay include fantasy, action, adventure, and horror. I like to keep Slice of Life and romance a small part of the roleplay, at most. Please keep this in mind. What I am looking for: *Thread roleplays. This makes talking out of character so much easier, since there is a whole other spot to do that. *High casual posts. A few paragraphs would be superb, but I am not looking for pointless fluff. This is why I am not putting an exact cap on the amount of paragraphs I would like. You should provide substantial posts that will drive the story forward. No need to focus on how big your post is, as long as it does what it should. That being said, one-liners do not do the trick. They provide nothing to the story. I am still looking for literacy! *Third person point of view, past tense. *Cooperation. I cannot tell you how many times I have had to drag the roleplay along all by myself. I want my possible partners to be able to handle the story with me. What you’ll get from me: *Detail. I love to describe scenery and emotion. I am usually a multi-paragraph kind of girl. *Flexibility. I can play either male or female, I am fine with any type of pairing (MxM, FxF, MxF), and I am comfortable in many alternate universes. If you know of an AU that isn’t on my list, feel free to introduce it to me! I would love that. *Replies. Obviously, but I mean in a timely manner. I can usually post every other day on weekdays and every day when it comes to weekends or breaks I might be on. This does not mean one post, though. I usually like to give two or three or more, not just one. *Communication. If you just want to talk, here I am. I love talking about everything relating to Undertale or roleplaying. I also love talking about ideas and the future of our roleplay. Communication is key! *Honesty. If I’m getting bored, I’ll tell you. If I feel like we aren’t a good match as roleplay partners, I will tell you. Honesty is also key. Undertale Ideas [hider=Nutshell Ideas] [hider=Read Me] -To be clear, these are nutshell ideas. They are in no way a major plot. I want to develop something with a partner instead of going off on a predetermined idea. -If you like one part of the idea but not the other, by all means tell me. If you have an Undertale-based plot you’d like to try, tell me. However, I do not do crossovers. -I honestly prefer playing canon characters instead of original characters when it comes to this game. Even so, I can play a human or allow you to play one if you would choose to do so. -I am willing and eager to play multiple characters and would love it if you’d like to as well, though you don’t have to. These “multiple characters” would more so be side characters anyway. [/hider] *"Home" (The alternate universes of Undertale collide and form one huge mess. These monsters now need to be sent back to their correct universes somehow.) *Undyne Neutral Ending (Frisk went through and killed every boss monster but Undyne, forcing her to become empress of the Underground. She craves blood and revenge more than Asgore ever did, and vows to kill any humans that falls into the Underground. *Warrior Sans= Sans is a part of empress Undyne’s royal guard, wanting to work harder now that his brother has been murdered.) *Papyrus Neutral Ending (Papyrus is king, after every other boss monster was murdered by Frisk, and has his brother doing paperwork and the like for him. He wants humans, good and bad, to be greeted with puzzles, although what would happen if Sans turned his back on that? If, secretly, Sans was gathering human SOULs in order to get to the surface, not wanting his brother to suffer amid the expectations of the again hopeless monsters.) *Darker Yet (Sans is just born, at this time, created to help Asgore collect human SOULs. Gaster is still alive and forces Sans through experiments that test his entire being.) *A Kink Within the Timeline (Gaster appears at the menu of an avid player’s Undertale game, promising to make everything just as fun as before one more time if they will never reset again.) *Lost in Translation (Grillby has always had trouble communicating with others in his young life, up until a little Red Bird begins trying to translate for him. (Note: Red Bird is the NPC who speaks for Grillby in Undertale: http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/undertale/images/6/61/Grillby's.png/revision/latest?cb=20160105103733) *Our Hopes and Dreams (After Chara and Asriel die and Toriel leaves him, Asgore declares war on humans in order to return hope to the Underground. A young fish monster, determined to get strong and fight in the Royal Guard, challenges him, whereupon he takes her under his wing.) *Escapist (Monsters were never supposed to get to the surface, but what happens when one of them manages to do so?) [/hider] [hider=Alternate Universes] (Those I know of include (ALL ART IS NOT MINE! IT IS BY OTHER PEOPLE AND WILL GET TAKEN DOWN IF THERE IS A PROBLEM. The images are only meant to be visuals to the AU.) : *Aftertale (http://img.ifcdn.com/images/e01105a7a434098a3c5a856a67fcf76f469ee7073124b8fa3aed724825e41b27_1.jpg) Sans injects himself with Determination in order to kill Frisk and gain control of the timeline, although things don't work out in his favor... *Swaptale (http://40.media.tumblr.com/5507c4ff4770cef9db7bd5c6a3b22c12/tumblr_nwrysnHWMr1rw0fw2o1_500.png) Mercy Frisk and No Mercy Frisk end up switching places. *Reapertale (https://40.media.tumblr.com/133f79fc757594e66db222fe54e7f7f0/tumblr_o1m6ikQ7ao1uvaiv3o1_1280.jpg http://41.media.tumblr.com/ce8fe6f8d2a49a8cfb423cb34bc48be7/tumblr_nzlt4r2unx1uvaiv3o2_1280.jpg) Sans is a grim reaper who is looking for Chara, but the only one who can find them is Flowey. The other characters are different kinds of gods, as well. Underfell (http://pre12.deviantart.net/8b24/th/pre/i/2015/310/4/2/underfell_by_xanxor-d9fp0w9.png) An edgy type of Undertale where everybody is evil, except for Flowey. Underswap (http://36.media.tumblr.com/a3d57966e0782f25a01ae99991111fc0/tumblr_nxmr29NHEw1u3m1z8o1_500.png) The monsters have flipped personalities with each other. Overtale (https://41.media.tumblr.com/4db43b433f269ae045e93b849b981388/tumblr_nz9xn1YKnB1srq5z5o1_1280.png) All the monsters are now humans and the human child is now a monster who escaped to the surface world. [/hider]