[@Silver Fox][@Caits][@Joshua Tamashii] [color=662d91][h2]Zephyr Hardt/Loki[/h2][/color] Oh he dodged? That seemed pretty impressive to do, Loki looked at the ground and smiled when he popped up attacking. Loki more so brought his arms up to block it and laughed as the attack pushed him back with his arms burning from the attack. [color=662d91]"Three fire users? Man this match is on fire isn't it? Hahahaha!"[/color] Loki said at his own joke, before looking at Karn who was being odd which was amusing in itself. Was he talking to himself? Oh well didn't matter. Loki would vanish into the ground before his head and left arm popped up in front of Karn with an orb in his hand. [color=662d91]"Didn't see this coming did ya?"[/color] Yet that was merely the diversion., it was the portal that opened up behind him with him other arm reaching to grab him from behind and throw him over the edge. Of course if the orb also hit, that would just help throw him out.