[center][h2][color=cyan]Reinforcements car[/color][/h2][/center] [color=magenta]"This is Chimera, what's the situation with a master-class cape? Perimeter establishment unit will be arriving in one minute."[/color] - Said the girl in a car through her com. She was dressed rather brightly, as usual. Short hair, huge weights in her ears and a heavy facial piercing. There was almost no difference between her day-to-day attire and cape costume. The precise difference was the cape itself - the extension of her scarf, that stayed on even when she was in a beast form. It was made of seven stripes of clothing, sewn together to form the rainbow. The only clothing that stayed on, rather embarrassingly. She wasn't a fan of shifting back in front of other people for obvious reasons. She wasn't really afraid to show her face, since her "battle form" was rather distinct, and regarded as "barely appropriate for a hero" by those tits at PRT. The screaming siren of a car was rather getting on her nerves. Why wasn't it her shift? The van wouldn't have had the chance to run. It would have been a pile of scrap by now. Everything would've been resolved already. That mover... He would be trying to teleport those bastards out of her mouth by now, that's for damn sure. She also wasn't the best cape to handle a perimeter, she was a frontliner. She was designed to bash stuff in, not to calm the crowd. [color=magenta] "If anything goes south, I am not sure I can minimize collateral. Crap..."[/color] - she thought. The worst part was that she was running late. Which could mean two things: Either patrol unit will chase the van, and the perimeter around bank will be as pointless as a swimsuit in a desert, or they won't, and the van will be lost forever. [color=magenta]"Step it, mate! I could outrun this shitty thing without any cape voodoo!"[/color] - She shouted at the driver from back seat of a car. Nerves were getting to her, after all the training notion the upcoming fight was still a thrilling sensation, and not in a good way.