[b]Name:[/b] Takahiro "K-Ton" Kensington* [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=Takahiro] [IMG]http://i67.tinypic.com/27xdnjb.jpg[/IMG] [/hider] [b]Age:[/b] 22 [b]Part Time Job:[/b] Springdale Records - Monday, Wednesday 4pm-9pm $10/Hour** [b]Major:[/b] Kinesiology - Currently attending school on an athletics scholarship for soccer. [b]Money:[/b] $2200*** - Currently earning 100 a week from part time work. [b]Residence:[/b] A small loft apartment just off campus. 2-bed 2-bath apartment with his older sister. [b]Family:[/b] [list] [*]Rei Nakaumura - Mother, 49, Nurse [*]Jerry Kensington - Father, 62, U.S. Marines (Retired) [*]Mariko Kensington - Sister, 26, Graduate Student - Works as an Undergraduate Professor at Arcadia U. [/list] [b]Hobbies:[/b][list] [*]Music - Having picked up the guitar a year back, Takahiro enjoys playing music and jamming, and while not a masterful performer by any definition, he knows his way around chords well enough to play by a campfire. He has also professed to thoroughly enjoying karaoke. [*]Sports - Attending school on an athletics scholarship, it'd only be natural that he showed some vested interest towards sports. His primary sport is soccer, but he also enjoys casual games of volleyball and swimming. [*]Model Kits - Despite not being much of a gamer, nor having a lot of time for TV, Takahiro avidly purchases and collects model kits. His current favorites are a line of Mecha kits from the popular TV anime series "Falling Skies" (Shameless self-plug. forgive me pls). [/list] [b]Aspirations:[/b] With little drive or direction in life, Takahiro isn't absolutely sure of what he wants other than to live a full, fun life. A career in professional sports has piqued his interests, and tentative talks with talent scouts have implied that this may be within his grasp. However, he has also expressed the desire to help people, and has made toyed with the idea of becoming an EMT after graduation, similar to his mother. [b]Fears:[/b] Takahiro rarely expresses it, but has a fear of being alone. This does not necessarily mean physically alone- or else he'd end up a hopeless wreck every night, but rather the idea of being isolated or alienated from others and those he cares about. The strength of this fear results in Takahiro being fiercely protective of his close friends and family, occasionally jumping to aggression when those around him are distressed. [b]4 Positive Trails and 1 Negative Trait:[/b] + Athletic - Having entered Arcadia Academy on a scholarship for soccer, it is no surprise that Takahiro is rather athletic. In good shape, and with plenty of stamina, Takahiro has the strength and endurance necessary to propel himself into the coveted starting positions of the Academy Soccer team. + Even-Tempered - Cool and collected, Takahiro handles stressful situations with ease, and is often unfazed by hardships. He is capable of thinking logically even during times of panic and distress. The only time his temper snaps is when family and close friends are directly threatened. + Social - Thanks to the popularity of his position on the soccer team, Takahiro is a relatively known face throughout campus, and can often leverage this to his advantage. + Easygoing - Slow to anger, Takahiro gets along relatively well with others, or at the very least rarely steps on the toes of others. While not the most outgoing or friendly person, Takahiro rarely levels insults at others or tries to antagonize them. - Lazy - While by no means stupid, Takahiro is notoriously lazy. Unstudious and lacking drive, its a wonder how Takahiro manages to squeeze by to maintain the grades necessary to keep his scholarship.