[hider=Boop][hider=Appearance&Description][img]http://data.whicdn.com/images/226706476/large.jpg[/img] Eri stands around 5'8" and has a muscular build. She has dark brown hair and eyes.[/hider] [b]Name:[/b] Eri [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Age:[/b] 26 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Skills:[/b] [i]Sōjutsu[/i] - The art of the spear. Sōjutsu techniques include blocks, thrusts/stabs and slashing attacks. Eri was taught by the very best and has honed her skill through hard-work. [i]Fighting Instincts[/i] - She doesn't just poke things. Eri will use every inch of her body to fight including head-butting and punching. She's quick on her feet and stays cool and collected during tough battles. [b]Powers:[/b] [i]kyubey OP[/i] - She's secretly a magical girl! Eri's got a good head on her shoulders! [b]Weapons/Equipment:[/b] [i]Yari[/i] - Double edged spear point attached to a shaft with a typical overall length of about 6 feet. Eri keeps Tanuki's spear strapped onto her back. [b]Bio:[/b] Eri is an amiable person who keeps her real feelings locked away. She speaks and laughs freely, and is known to be brutally honest and ever-enduring. She does not complain, or whine, or wish for a better life and chooses to look at the present. However, Eri does not form attachments easily. To those who manage to worm their way inside her heart, expect lots of shy love. She doesn't know who or where her parents are but Eri could care less about them. Around the age of five, she was picked up by a wandering spear-wielder who she called Tanuki because he was the type of person who liked to play tricks on everyone. Tanuki had a penchant for picking up stray kids off the street and teaching them how to handle the spear. Why? At the time, Eri didn't care. She finally had a place to call home. It wasn't until she turned seventeen when she realized what Tanuki's true intentions were. The old man was plagued with regret and despair after killing so many during his mercenary days. He thought it would be a great idea to become a father figure to a child and have him or her kill him in a duel when the time came. Eri was the only one who seemed to have a natural fighting talent, so she was the one chosen for the task. But, much to Tanuki's chagrin, Eri beat him and refused to deal the killing blow. The girl had tears and snot streaming down her face as she kept saying "Stupid Tanuki, you're my father!" before kicking him in the face, knocking him out. When Tanuki woke up, he woke up a changed man. Since then, Eri has been travelling with Tanuki, exploring distant lands together. He died of old age when Eri turned twenty-four. She was heart-broken but happy that Tanuki lived the last years of his life happily. Now a lost spirit, she joined the Guild in hopes of finding a goal. [/hider] [img]http://33.media.tumblr.com/49f1c92a0b9457918e87f6d308351dd5/tumblr_inline_mgr5ygRavQ1qcqwuv.gif[/img]