Robin looked on as a series of unexpected events befell the monster, which of course payed no attention to his attempt to antagonize it. He watched as the beast was attacked thend ran off. He couldn't make heads or tails of where the beast went at first at least not until he saw another building off in the distance being destroyed. [color=39b54a]"Right, looks like the usual attempts won't work with this one, I'll have to resort to old fashioned slashing to get rid of this guy...well I better hurry on over there."[/color] Robin opened his robe and held his hands out, as he held his hands out two large metal blades shot out and hovered just barely over the ground. Once out Robin put a foot on each and put on a pair of goggles he had beneath his robe and leaned forward putting both hands at his sides palms facing behind him. [color=39b54a]"Here we go! Accelerate!!"[/color] With this one word he shot off down the street at high speeds racing to the beasts location. As he waved his way between people, through alleys, and down streets he noticed someone fighting the beast and shortly after he noticed a dome surrounding it. [color=39b54a]"Looks like I have to step it up a notch. Accel times two!"[/color] At these words his speed increased to that of cheetah running at full speed. He raced towards the now closed dome and put his arms in front of him in hopes of shielding any damage he may take trying to break into it so he may deal with the beast inside. [@Expolar] [@Raijinslayer] [@lunarlors34] [@Silva Haven]