[hider=The Import] [h3]Name[/h3] Wang En (忘恩) | "En" [center][img]http://i274.photobucket.com/albums/jj259/satansphonebook/divider.gif[/img][/center] [h3]Race[/h3] Yaoguai - Harvest Spirit [center][img]http://i274.photobucket.com/albums/jj259/satansphonebook/divider.gif[/img][/center] [h3]Age[/h3] 135 [center][img]http://i274.photobucket.com/albums/jj259/satansphonebook/divider.gif[/img][/center] [h3]Gender[/h3] Female [center][img]http://i274.photobucket.com/albums/jj259/satansphonebook/divider.gif[/img][/center] [h3]Appearance[/h3] [hider=Spirit Form] [img]http://pm1.narvii.com/5898/2469007334da910405774d8f2e774c7dc3fdb319_hq.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=Human Form] [url=http://static.zerochan.net/Yakumo.Ran.full.829482.jpg]Human Form[/url] En comes off as decidedly barbaric, if such a world like this could even be bothered with imperialism in the scope of things between spirits, human politics, and a mad grab for resources whenever, wherever. She stands at a tall(ish) 5'10, and weighs somewhere around 150 lbs., give or take the enormous quantities of grain she'll eat given the opportunity and resources. Neither end of her weight range change the fact that she has quite a robust build. From her heritage comes her marble skin-tone, which has remained so because of her preference to her spirit form. Her rigors have left stains on her spine with slightly darker, smooth splotches of skin, proof of her failure to retain her freedom. She has, like many "imports", a kind of fire in her golden eyes, like that of a dying coal stoked by a wayward puff of air. Anger, among many other things, seem to drive her. One need only take a glance at her constantly furrowed brows. Her brand is a single amethyst fused with the flesh at her tailbone. The burns form the characters : 奴隸. Slave. [/hider] [center][img]http://i274.photobucket.com/albums/jj259/satansphonebook/divider.gif[/img][/center] [h3]Skills[/h3] Canine - Tracking via scent, as most canines do. Wrestling - [url=http://img.memecdn.com/police-brutality_o_2244271.jpg]Subduing[/url] with tackles, wrestling, and throws (though technique is nowhere close to being refined). Faintly mimics Kuai Jiao (快跤) wrestling in how aggressive the fighter must be, with a strong emphasis on leg-sweeps to lead into solid locks. Agriculture - [url=https://tribzap2it.files.wordpress.com/2014/03/steve-keeley-snow-plow.gif]Not this kind of plowing, but you know what I mean. Did I mention farming in general? Weeding, fertilizing, fallowing, irrigation, and more are part of her skillset, thanks to observing the farmers that once paid tribute to her.[/url] Thievery - Believe it or not, the Harvest dogs have become better at being light on their feet since the removal of their other eight tails. Inherent wisdom, perhaps? As each tail is gained, stealth becomes more difficult, as En's human form will begin to weigh more. Striptease - [i]"I-it was only for a year! Don't look at me like th-that!" >[color=f6989d]///[/color]<[/i] [center][img]http://i274.photobucket.com/albums/jj259/satansphonebook/divider.gif[/img][/center] [h3]Powers[/h3] En has the ability to force plants to age and grow faster than normal, though this comes at the cost of burning whatever energy is stored in her Spirit Form. As such, most of her kind undergo a cycle of extreme malnutrition and gluttony, so as to maintain balance in their population through the annual harvest seasons. She's had few opportunities in a while to use this power, though, as there is no precision; just as there is little hope to dam up a fast-melting glacier, there is little hope to restrain her power when unleashed. En also can 'regain' eight other tails, though to keep them in permanence requires double of her current body weight. Temporary recollection is one-tenth the amount for one tenth the ability's duration. The tail progression follows as so : [hr] Second - Consume double the body mass in spirit form; ability to encourage certain traits in plants to grow instantly, such as more flowers, more fruits, slightly harder wood, etc. Third - Consume quadruple the body mass in spirit form; freely transform from spirit to human without any loss of the first three tails. Fourth - Consume eight-fold body mass in spirit form; change temperatures in the immediate area (a maximum of a half-acre's radius for four hours). Fifth - Consume 16-fold body mass in spirit form; change the properties of fallowing earth (make the dirt more sludgy, or dry and packed, etc.) in an acre's span. Six - Consume 16-fold body mass in spirit form; change weather in a square mile for up to four hours. Seventh - Consume 32-fold body mass in spirit form; level the earth up to 20 meters. Eighth - Consume 128-fold body mass in spirit form; reproduce. Ninth - 256-fold body mass in spirit form; entry into the heavens. Walking in the air is also possible. The first tail becomes white and drops wild rice seeds on occasion. No tails are consumed when transforming from one form into another. Note : The consumption mass counter resets for every tail gained; consumed mass amount is halved upon exiting and re-entering spirit form. [hr] En can, alternatively, grow extra arms out of any part of her body, the strength of which corresponds to the same scale as regrowing tails, though the scale maximizes at the equivalent of the seventh tail (the resulting arm would be larger than her body already; anything more would be too cumbersome for any practical usage). [center][img]http://i274.photobucket.com/albums/jj259/satansphonebook/divider.gif[/img][/center] [h3]Weapons/Equipment[/h3] - Kusarigama - Only for the last resort, or for a good cutting tool / grappling hook. - Japanese Elm seeds - Gifted to people she favors. It's surprisingly hardier than its naturally occurring equivalents. - Bamboo Shoots - Used to grow vantage points incredibly quickly, and makes for good toothpicks, chopsticks, and cutlery. [center][img]http://i274.photobucket.com/albums/jj259/satansphonebook/divider.gif[/img][/center] [h3]Bio[/h3] Legends once spoke of a nine-tailed dog stealing the seeds from heaven to help humanity develop agriculture, only to lose eight of those tails in its escape. The remaining one tail, though, had trapped the seeds inside its fur, and so humans could farm staple crops. En, a descendant of said dog, had lived in relative with her small village (安徽) in the north parts of the mainland, save for a couple of territorial disputes. Of few of the village children, however, made the mistake of roaming too far towards the south, and so stumbled upon a wayward monk, one of those warrior-types that went around expelling and destroying anything that wasn't human to fulfill his self-righteous hubris. Upon hearing the news of a resident spirit "haunting" the village, said monk made his way over to "exorcise" the creature; he did not differentiate anything supernatural from what he claimed were "guai". En, on the way with birthing a child, could do little to stop him as her fields were burned and diseased. The villagers that once paid her homage had stopped meeting her. It took perhaps a few days and a few nights for the monk and a few discontent villagers to finally reach her. The monk, quite simply, tore the little one from her womb and expelled it from this world, back into the unknown. The exhaustion, compounded with the emotional shock that had followed, brought her into unconsciousness. When she came back to, weeks later, she found her brand burned into her skin. She was chained in the steppes, the monk gone. The same could be said for anything that resembled her temple; all that remained was a group of sleazy young men, dragging all kinds of spirits too. Since then, she's alternated between farmer, laborer, liaison, and even once a literal whore. Her life has been dragged through many an owner, and for the longest of times, she hadn't had the slightest idea as to where she would end up next. Sure, she'd try to escape from time to time, and maybe she got as far as the next town before some monk or priest tracked her down and pummeled her back into submission. It came to the point where she simply resigned on the idea of escaping, and conceded herself to disgruntled servitude. She was purchased by a prominent lord, following the new laws that came, to supplant the few elderly rice farmers left in the area, and so has remained a fixture of the guild ever since its establishment as goodwill. She usually oversees the fields the guild is in possession of, but with the demand raising ever-higher to have more participating Blades than farmers, she has been re-assigned to hunting down fellows spirits and humans. Considering most spirits usually aren't forcibly locked into servitude, she considers most spirits opposed to the branding pansies. She's been through worse, which may be cause for her to sympathize. Unlike most spirits that prefer to speak in riddles and hints, En has all but forsaken the cryptic vernacular to speak plainly, even to the point where she comes off as rather blunt and easy to read. While hard and heavy-handed, she shows genuine concern for her targets, as she disliked the branding as much as they did at one time. Humans, unfortunately, do not get the same attention since she finds them frustrating in the way "how they demand change of the world, but rarely change themselves". She's tired of changing for others, at this point. [/hider]