Dealing with this...worm was repugnant to Agent Caits, but right then she couldn't choose to tell him to get lost. She gave a soft sigh, and made an attempt at thinking about it. [right]'don't worry, Baoning. Your name will be kept out of it'[/right] Promising it was sickening, but then, there was always a loop hole. Agent Dioxide bad promised nothing, after all. If and when they got the subjects out safety, well...that was nothing here nor there right now. [right]'give me the codes'[/right] When all was said and done, Agent Caits left the bleeding Baoning behind, and only when she was out of sight, she shook her hand. Punching someone in the face hurt like hell. She let out a slow breath, before sending an email. [quote=file#51] To: Agent Dioxide From: Agent Caits Hello, Dioxide I've spoken with Baoning. He's going to put in a word for subject 30, being moved backed to his original cell: he seemed quite agreeable, after a little persuasion[/quote] Once completed, Agent Caits went to the cafeteria, retrieving some ice, she then retreated to her office, wrapping the ice up and putting it on her hand, thinking on what to do.