[h2][center][color=662d91]Tobias Rivenridge[/color] & [color=007236]Stella Herbalem[/color][/center] [/h2] Tobias Rivenridge was not the type of person to be easily astounded or scared. He’d lived most of his life with the understanding that there was a rational explanation behind everything, and when something unexpected occurred he had always reacted by trying to find that explanation to it. He’d never faced a situation where logic and reason had failed him… until now. That the school was primarily made up of gifted individuals like himself wasn’t much of a hurdle. Their abilities made it very easy for them to be outcasts or worse, so it made sense that somebody would establish a sanctuary for them. But now they were being told that the school was alive? And actively trying to devour them? The very idea defied any and all attempts he made to come to terms with it. Not only that, but if the staff knew about this… why on earth would they keep the students there?! And especially knowing that it was probably what was killing students this year and the last! It was maddening to think about, and it showed in Tobias’s face. His brow furrowed as he tried in vain to think through it and find an answer. The younger redhead next to him had jumped to her feet and was about to say something it seemed when one of the other teachers spoke up. She sat back down, but when she looked to Tobias, there was fear written across her face. His response was to smile, as best he could manage to anyway, and rub Stella’s shoulder. [color=662d91]“Hey,”[/color] he said, [color=662d91]“We’ll figure it out. I don’t know how, but there’s got to be an answer somewhere. There’s no such thing as a problem without a solution.”[/color] Hardly words of comfort, and they rang just a bit hollow, but it was all he could manage to do just that. Stella nodded and seemed to lean into the hand rubbing her shoulder. [color=007236]“Well, we have those clues that were given to us by Amy… we could start with those?”[/color] She sounded quieter than usual, sounding a bit hollow as well. [color=662d91]“I was actually just thinking about that,”[/color] he replied. [color=662d91]“Not sure how to work mine. Yours was… something about the library, right?”[/color] he asked, the workings of an idea turning about with the wheels in his head. Stella nodded. [color=007236]”There are books in the library that apparently should not be in there, logically. Yours was looking at the architecture of the school yes? How it doesn’t suite the supposed age of the building?”[/color] [color=662d91]“Precisely. That by itself doesn’t lend itself to anything concrete, except…”[/color] Tobias began to wave his other hand back and forth in front of him, as if he was looking at a puzzle on a chalkboard. [color=662d91]“There should be some records of the school, forged or no… if I can find those and the books in question, there might be some pieces to get us started… Looks like I need to go visit the library.”[/color] He started to get up from his seat and stretched. [color=007236]”Looks like [i]we[/i] need to go visit the library, you mean.”[/color] Stella stood up and brushed off her skirt and looked at Tobias. She then tugged a well worn map piece of paper out of her pocket. Tobias opened his mouth to say something. “No, that was not what I meant,” or “You’re staying here where it’s safe,”, anything along those lines. But the more he thought about it, the less ground he had to stand on. Going out alone was dangerous, which was the entire reason Wellington had dictated against it. Not to mention, Stella had already been through enough dead bodies that day- if something happened and his was added to the list because he’d been stubborn… besides, she’d follow him out anyway. There was no winning this one. [color=662d91]“Alright,”[/color] he said finally, [color=662d91]“Come on then, let’s go check out a few books.”[/color] Stella nodded and stood up and pointed to a spot on the paper. [color=007236]”That’s the library. Looks like our best way to head there, is this way.”[/color] She traced her finger on the map along a path. [color=007236]”Let us go then.”[/color]