[hider=Sekirei: Pure Sanctuary][hr][hr][center][color=orangered][h1]Sekirei [i]~Pure Sanctuary~[/i][/h1][b]セキレイ ~PURE SANCTUARY~[/b][/color] [sup][b]{ [@RyuHll] & [@tsukune] }[/b][/sup] [img]http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/shipoffools/images/1/11/Eiji_Sekirei_Crest.png[/img] [hider=Main Theme][youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AGG2NsCRN2E[/youtube][/hider] [color=silver][b]「なぜ戦うの?愛か?それとも欲望か?」 "Why do you fight? For love? Or for lust?"[/b][/color][/center] [color=slategray][color=orangered][h3]P R E M I S E[/h3][hr][indent][b]< The Story >[/b][/indent][/color] [indent][i]The MBI had fallen, with former CEO Hiroto Minaka and head researcher-cum-wife Takami Sahashi taken into UN custody. To the general public, this seemed to be the end of the insane Sekirei Plan. The then-impregnable walls around Tokyo were removed, opening Japan's capital to the rest of the world once more. People across the country cheered, happy but tearful reunions erupted in every city and town, whether big or small. How ignorant they were. The UN was nowhere better than MBI, for their curiosity - their greed - had harbored another war, which would be far bloodier than the first. Not to mention an underground human experiment that would raise questions about the morality within UN. What had become of the UN now? The treacherous trail led deeper and deeper into the pit of unknown, of dark hidden secrets shocking enough to put humanity to a standstill.[/i] [color=silver]Let the [b]Second Sekirei Plan[/b] begin.[/color][/indent] [color=orangered][h3]D A T A B A S E[/h3][hr][indent][b]< The Lore >[/b][/indent][/color] [indent][color=silver][b]Sekirei Plan & Project S2[/b][/color] [indent]The very first Sekirei project, the [b]Sekirei Plan[/b], was developed by Hiroto after he discovered one of the eight spaceships that landed on Earth, specifically the one at Kamikura Island. Originally called the [b]S-Plan[/b], it was initiated to protect the sleeping Sekirei from the attacking international army, but it was later turned into a dangerous (sometimes deadly) game, using Tokyo - and later, Kamikura Island itself - as the battleground. During the Fourth Stage, the awakening of the Kouten caused the defensive wall around the island to disappear; the international troops took advantage of it and stormed in, eventually rounding up the remaining Ashikabi and Sekirei, ending the Plan. The Kouten, along with the 'pillar' Sekirei Miya Asama, vanished from the site and no one knew where it had gone to. Some speculated that it probably left Earth and drifted out into space, finally at peace and away from the wrath of humanity. Shortly after the troops gained possession of the Sekirei files, the UN passed down a search warrant and unearthed four other Sekirei spaceships across the world, with the last one still not found yet. [b]Project S2[/b] was secretly activated: this became the prologue to a new Sekirei game set in Fukuoka, a city in the Kyushu area of Japan.[/indent] [color=silver][b]Ashikabi & Sekirei[/b][/color] [indent][b]Ashikabi[/b] (葦牙) are humans who possess unique genes that enable them to 'wing' a Sekirei through an exchange of DNA via a kiss. Upon establishment of the contract, an everlasting bond is forged between the Ashikabi and his/her Sekirei, which awakens the dormant power inside the Sekirei. The original [b]Sekirei[/b] (鶺鴒) are extraterrestrial beings with similar genetic and physiological makeup as humans; each of them possesses a Sekirei Core, which is the main source of their superpower and enhanced abilities compared to an average human. After the conclusion of the initial Sekirei Plan and the discovery of the remaining five Sekirei spaceships, a new numbering system is created, containing a mix of 'pures' (actual Sekirei recovered from the ships) and 'clones' (humans with Sekirei Cores forced into them). The bond between an Ashikabi and his/her Sekirei is a lot more than these forms of relationship, such as master-servant, or even emperor-concubine; an Ashikabi and a Sekirei establish a contract through the process of 'winging', which is often triggered through the growing affection and love the two parties share. Winging will unlock the true power of the Sekirei, allowing him/her to use [b]Norito[/b], a special move in the form of a prayer unique to each Sekirei, which can amplify their abilities to their maximum potential.[/indent] [color=silver][b]Sekirei Crest & Termination[/b][/color] [indent]Upon the completion of the ritual, a [b]Sekirei Crest[/b] will appear on the back of the winged Sekirei, usually below the neck area. The crest is the proof of the Sekirei's loyalty to his/her Ashikabi, so much so that it can be equated to his/her own life. If the crest disappears, the Sekirei is considered as terminated. There are two known ways to remove the crest: [list][*]The first - which is the most common - is to inflict massive damage to the Sekirei. Once the Sekirei has received injuries beyond his/her limit, the crest will automatically disappear, rendering the Sekirei immobile. [*]The second is to touch the crest and recite a prayer (which is unique to each Sekirei), which will erase the crest from the Sekirei.[/list][/indent][/indent] [color=orangered][h3]R E C O R D[/h3][hr][indent][b]< Plots & Timeline >[/b][/indent][/color] [indent][color=silver][b]1: Beginning of the End[/b][/color] [list][*][i][b]Yuki Kaguya[/b] finally feels the truth behind the saying: "curiosity kills the cat", and has to pay the price for snooping around the database of the facility she is working as an intern at. Okay, maybe not quite - she is merely sent away to Fukuoka as a participant of the Second Sekirei Plan along with a companion [b]No.11 Houkatori[/b], but there is something more that greets them at the door of their new 'home'... Meanwhile, [b]Hikari Mino[/b] mundane daily routine is broken by the appearance of a strange gun-girl who introduced herself as [b]No.49 Nagisa[/b], claiming him to be her 'master'... and bringing him into a game that will completely shatter his normal life beyond his wildest dreams.[/i][/list][/indent] [indent][color=silver][b]2: Closing In[/b][/color] [list][*][i]The 'spy' that the organization has sent to watch Yuki and Houka is none other than [b]No.88 Yajuu[/b]. Other than the tension between him and her partner, Yuki is glad that he seems fully intent on keeping to his words; well, just short of blowing up the house with their childish arguments. However, she is about to find out how short-lived this peaceful time will be... On the other side, Hikari and Nagisa are having a hell of a night, encountering one enemy Sekirei after another... and even attract the local police on their tails! Nagisa's sniper rifle isn't meant for close-range battles, and she is being pushed to her edge with such a disadvantage... Just when all hopes are lost and the petite Sekirei is about to die under the gigantic scythe of [b]No.94 Sae[/b], an unlikely comrade suddenly comes to the rescue...[/i][/list][/indent][/color] [hr][hr][/hider]