[h2]Karn || Crocus || Game Stadium[/h2] [@Oblivion666][@Caits][@liferusher] [color=springgreen]"Yeah, we could probably use a little [i]breeze[/i]."[/color] Edo-Karn briefly took control with a smirk at her pun. Punning Zephyr's name. Stumbling a bit as the platform suddenly tilted. Karn took control as the ground shifted and he had to keep his footing while his opponent popped up in front of him, the feminine boy looking at his opponent curiously as he came into close range. With a smile, Karn transformed into the large Eastern Chimera form. [color=Lime]"Eastern Chimera Golden Flame Armor!"[/color] he roared, his whole hulking form erupting into a barrier of golden flame. Tail lashing about and lashing at the portal. The orb hit him and his body was forced back and he grimaced a little at the hit to the chest, digging his claws into the earth to stop him from going too far towards the edge before charging. Speeding at Zephyr like a train on fire, he opened his jaws when right up to him, saber fangs glowing like he was about to bite into his opponents skull. Of course, Karn wouldn't go that far, as that would be too lethal for a competition, so instead it was a fakeout to make a possible flinch instinctively before lowering his head and going for a flame covered horned headbutt. [color=lime]"Eastern Chimera Tail Slam!"[/color] Karn said, his long tail stretching out longer to form golden flames shaping a tail before slamming it down toward on top of Thor, though landed behind the electric mage and made to swing behind him to possibly get closer to Penny's attacks. It was possible that he'd hit Penny, but he trusted her skills enough to be able to avoid getting slammed out and not that hurt. He wanted to end this quickly, as the platform seemed to be getting worse. [h2]Prince || Crocus || Game Stadium[/h2] [@Caits] [color=aqua]"Mhmm so it does. Odd as they usually run safety precautions. It looks like it's just getting worse to. They might have to end this event due to safety. Or the platform collapses already and disqualifies everyone. At that point, everyone will have no choice but to jump/fly to safety."[/color] Prince mused as he watched the event. Karn was at least holding his own. The blonde was lucky there was no water wizards in the event though. Edo-Karn would of probably been on her own then.