[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/S27tD9a.png?1[/img] [hider=The Brains] [sub]”You can’t live on the edge all your life. Sooner or later, you have to jump; get some air in your lungs, and run!”[/sub] [img]https://45.media.tumblr.com/1cf2b0a0813e1eda8ef16e6ec43f6db9/tumblr_o21am7WnUq1qcxzu2o2_500.gif[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/6ZQHIr1.png?1[/img] [b]<[color=red]Name:/[/color]>[/b] Alexis Marianne Connors [b]<[color=red]Nickname(s):/[/color]>[/b] Alex [b]<[color=red]Age:/[/color]>[/b] 28 [b]<[color=red]Occupation:/[/color]>[/b] Freelance Vigilante & Underground Courier [b]<[color=red]District:/[/color]>[/b] 17 [b]<[color=red]Appearance:/[/color]>[/b] [img]http://i.imgur.com/nyYID17.png?1[/img] 5’9” <|> 139 lbs <|> Female <|> Eurasian [b]<[color=red]Personality:/[/color]>[/b] Alex’s strategic thinking and rationality is what makes her the more liked of the brother-sister duo. She reacts calmly when under pressure, keeping on eye on the enemy and one eye on the exit at all time, before making her way through the obstacle with a mixture of quick reflexes and fluid, fast-paced freerunning. Outside of “work”, she’s constantly on-the-ball and alert, but can also give way to have a good laugh. Though, there isn’t much rest for her, as most of her free time is spent keeping an ear to the ground to find her and Garrett’s[sup]*[/sup] next criminal to bust up, training and improving her combat and fluidity, or completing a courier assignment. [sub]*Next character[/sub] [b]<[color=red]Other:/[/color]>[/b] Despite her constant sarcasm and the sorts with Garrett, Alexis really does care about him on the inside, and curses at herself everytime he comes to her all beaten up. Some days she wishes she didn’t have to “fight to save the District”, but supports Gary because of how much it means to him. [/hider] [hider=The Braun][sub]”Once you get the momentum going and the adrenaline rushing through your veins, there’s no stoppin’ ya.”[/sub] [img]https://49.media.tumblr.com/69f50229de8eaa0d71d9d35c95cb5e5e/tumblr_o21npyvo7y1twth3vo1_500.gif[/img] [img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjEwNi5iY2YwZWYuUjJGeWNtVjBkQ0JFWVhacGN3LCwuMgAA/code-predators.regular.png[/img] [b]<[color=red]Name:/[/color]>[/b] Garrett Robson Connors [b]<[color=red]Nickname(s):/[/color]>[/b] Gary [b]<[color=red]Age:/[/color]>[/b] 29 [b]<[color=red]Occupation:/[/color]>[/b] Freelance Vigilante & Hacker [b]<[color=red]District:/[/color]>[/b] 17 [b]<[color=red]Appearance:/[/color]>[/b] [img]http://i.imgur.com/uqL5Srz.png?1[/img] 6’0” <|> 177 lbs <|> Male <|> Caucasian [b]<[color=red]Personality:/[/color]>[/b] There is a stark difference between Alexis and Garrett, both in and out of work. Garrett’s go-to for dangerous situations is a head-on approach - run towards the enemy, moving cover to cover, before taking them out with swift, powerful combat, enhanced more with his [url=http://www.rivalswords.com/images/products/detail/SW722.1.JPG]dual batons[/url], which also become a quarterstaff for a wider range, aswell as his [url=http://coolvibe.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/energy_handgun.jpg]pistols[/url] for where the quarterstaff just won’t do. Outside of work, however, he’s less obvious with his actions, and takes great pleasure in the freedom and adrenaline rush of freerunning, so you can probably find him running on some poor guy’s roof, or typing away at a computer while he’s passing through security systems and seeing things the government probably don’t want him to. Also, despite his sarcastic and overall douchebag nature, he really has his heart set on fighting to make the District a better place; one where people can live, and not just survive. [b]<[color=red]Other:/[/color]>[/b] He claims his mother’s death and his dad’s turn to crime doesn’t affect him, but a therapist wouldn’t touch his emotional state with a ten-foot barge pole.[/hider] [b]<[color=red]Biography:/[/color]>[/b] WIP[/center]