[@Laue][@Saint Girralo][@Awesomoman64][@Lugubrious][@OldManWong][@6slyboy6] This is a roll call, I'm going to need everyone to respond or be written off. We're dying here, that's no secret so to prevent failure I'm going to need everyone to either start posting or tell me they're out. This is a big full world I've put forth here, admittedly some areas are less developed than others but you aren't limited to where my character happens to be. I'll try to create events to keep everyone interested but don't feel that you are limited to only what I say is happening at any given point. I will be having my character make a journey to the thieves city of Ashbourne. I don't expect and actually don't really want the entire cast to come with me. I realize we don't have enough people for everyone to split off into little groups like I had originally envisioned but there is no reason that anyone should be confined to one area of the map. If you want to go exploring you are more than welcome to do so. If you have questions on the areas you wish your character to go I will answer them to the fullest of my ability but you are more than welcome to create things on your own. The bottom line is that this RP will not survive if it is simply you reacting to stuff that I put forth because this world is too big for me the police in its entirety. I am attempting to cultivate more players for the RP which will make the full world design I had initially envisioned much easier to work with. In the meantime if any of you wish to create a second or third character you are more than welcome to do so. [@Dynamo Frokane][@WindsOfFate][@PetiteAmbivert][@Daxam][@EthTenshi] Are you five still interested in this RP? We could really use new members.