[center][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/iThmyJF.jpg[/img][/center] [center][i][color=mediumblue][h3]"Night has chosen thee; thy death will be thy birth. Night calls to thee; hearken to Her sweet voice. Your destiny awaits you at the House of Night!"[/h3][/color][/i] [color=burlywood]These words will be the last you are the hear as a human, for once one is Marked, you have begun the path to becoming a fully fledged Vampyre. Normally, this path is not an easy one. Death may lay behind any corner for any Fledgling Vampyre, should your body reject the Change and have you choking to death in your own blood. However, for this group of Fledglings, life has just become even more fraught with danger. They just don't know it yet... [hr][hr] First thing I'd like to outline - simply in the attempt to get a wider circle of interest in the roleplay - is that [color=crimson]knowledge of the books [b]are not necessary[/b][/color]. This RP will be in an alternate universe to Zoe and the Gang, so the events of the books have not and will not take place. Therefore you can come here and join without any prior knowledge, as anything necessary for you to know will be explained here in the OOC, or even while roleplaying.[/color][/center] [hr][hr] [color=goldenrod][b][u]About Vampyres:[/u][/b][/color] [color=burlywood] Quite simply, this is a roleplay about Vampyres. However, they're not your regular old Nos Feratu's - teenagers undergo a biological and chemical change in their bodies that begins a process known as the Change. So, not biting and infecting people. Symptoms of the Change are simple - the teenager begins to feel sick, just the general effects of a really bad flu. Until they get Marked by a Vampyre. The words (Seen above) Are spoken, you fall unconscious, and wake up with the outline of a sapphire crescent moon on your forehead. And therein lies your (roughly) four year journey to completing the Change. Once you're among adult Vamps (At the House of Night - the school which you have to go to or you'll die); the illness disappears, and you are among your kin. You don't drink blood and grow fangs, sunlight doesn't burn you (Just mildly irritates your eyes - hence why the school day begins at 9PM, and not 9AM), and you don't develop an allergy to garlic. In fact, the only negative thing about the Change is that your body can reject it at any point between being Marked, and completing the Change. Which causes a rather bloody death. To try and avoid this, Fledglings are kept in peak physical form, and fed healthy diets. Fast Food is discouraged, along with any other activity that may lessen your chances to making it to immortality.[/color] [hr] [color=goldenrod][b][u]Religion:[/u][/b][/color] [color=burlywood]Vampyres are born from the Greek Goddess Nyx, and as such, they worship her humbly. She is seen as a Mother, a Teacher, and above all, a very [i]real[/i] Goddess. As such, it's not very common to see Vampyres worship Gods outside of Nyx; although hardly discouraged in the school. Every Full Moon a ritual is done in her honour, with a Temple, candles, oil burners, blessings, poems, the whole sha-bang. In addition to Nyx, the five elements are seen to be quite revered; Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and Spirit. A High Priestess for every House of Night is also elected, to take charge of these rituals and to serve the Goddess. As for the Vampyre High Council (Vampyre's version of Parliament), a High Priestess is also elected - this makes her essentially the High Priestess of [i]all[/i] Vampyres worldwide. The Council is located in San Clemente Island, Venice.[/color] [hr] [color=goldenrod][b][u]Affinities:[/u][/b][/color] [color=burlywood]Some Fledglings may even develop powers, which are known as an Affinity - a power gifted by the Goddess. These powers can be latent (Such as being particularly good with animals), or they can form a far more powerful effect. These Affinities are not exactly considered to be rare, but it is an honour to be gifted one. As for having more than one, it is an uncommon occurrence, and those gifted with more than a single power are considerably lucky.[/color] [hr] [color=goldenrod][u][b]Familiars:[/b][/u][/color] [color=burlywood]Upon arriving at the House of Night, one thing will be immediately obvious to you: Cats. Cats are freakin' everywhere. As such, cats and Vampyres go very well together, and it's only a matter of time before one chooses you. And that's right - the cat chooses the owner, not the other way round. It is considered very uncommon to have a Familiar that is not some form of Feline.[/color] [hider=Rules] [color=goldenrod] No Godmodding. That should go without saying, but still. If you're unclear on what that consists of, ask and I shall tell. No Mary Sues. If you are unfamiliar with the term, look it up. I'm not having Little Miss/Mr. Perfect coming along and being all over-powered and shit. And I will let you know if your Character Sheet/playthrough determines that. WRITING ABILITY: This is a High Casual roleplay, and as such, I will require that level of standard writing. Correct spelling and grammar, decent character development, and perhaps something beyond simple sentences! Obviously I'm not going to pick you up on slip-ups, but c'mon guys. If you don't know how to spell, either upload spellcheck, or just google it. It's literally [b]right there[/b]. Posting: I'd like a post at least once a week - if you're busy or going to be away from the internet for longer than this, please let us know beforehand in the OOC. As for restrictions within the RP, I'm pretty lenient. I don't want any sex scenes (Feel free to do it via PM, if you want), so fade to black once the clothes start coming off. In terms of swearing, go crazy. It should go without saying that racist slurs are not permitted - at all. Wait for your character to be accepted in the OOC before moving it into the Character tab. Keep in mind about the rules regarding your character's Vampyre state - don't have them hissing at sunlight and whatnot. If you need any clarifications on other things in regards to Vampyres, the link to the Wikia is [url=http://houseofnight.wikia.com/wiki/House_of_Night_Wiki]here[/url]. Additionally, all Vampyres will be starting in their First Year - so the maximum amount of time for them to have been at the Academy will be six months. Don't let this hinder your writing - a lot can happen in six months, especially at this place. [/color] [/hider] [hr][hr] [hider=Vampyre Academy; The British House of Night] [center] [img]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/42/Forde_Abbey_051.jpg[/img] [color=burlywood]Located in Dorset (South England), Forde Abbey House was built in the 18th Century, with a vast estate, stunning gardens and ponds, and of course, a breath-taking stately home. It was purchased from the National Trust and owning family sometime in the late 20th Century, when Hestia Flynn found a new home - and discovered it to be the perfect place to build her school; as such, all Vampyre Fledglings from the British Isles and the Republic of Ireland go to this school. [img]http://gallery.photo.net/photo/8596660-md.jpg[/img] Due to the vastness of the building, not many things were needed to be built on additionally. Many rooms on the inside were gutted gently, in order to preserve the centuries old furniture and tapestries - all of which were either sold off or donated to museums. As such, the building still retains it's rustic charm on the outside, but is far more modern on the inside. Tasteful decorations, central heating, plumbing and electronics were all updated and added on, making the place student and teacher friendly. [img]http://www.botanicalgardenphotography.com/uploads/9/1/6/3/9163233/6971321_orig.jpg[/img] Stables were added, along with the Arena's and running tracks for the Physical Education classes. Several villages and small towns are located nearby, perhaps a half hour walk to the closest one; as for the coast, it is half an hour via car, giving plenty of opportunity for any beach trips the students wish to go on... if an English beach trip at nighttime is on your to-do list, that is. [img]http://anglotopia.wpengine.netdna-cdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/Forde_Abbey_over_the_pond_2.jpg[/img] In terms of student accommodation, the two sexes are split up in separate wings of the building; girls are not allowed in the boy's rooms, and vice versa (Not that every student follows that rule, that is.), two students share a room, with an en-suite bathroom to share. And naturally, one's familiar can stay in the room with them.[/color] [hider=Fledgling Rooms] [img]https://media-cdn.tripadvisor.com/media/photo-s/09/8d/82/1e/double-bedroom.jpg[/img] [img]https://a1.muscache.com/im/pictures/82426320-e2b8-4b2b-9d6c-79e9fe659d1b.jpg?aki_policy=x_medium[/img] [color=burlywood]Rooms hold two Fledglings of the same sex within - obviously, sometimes you'll have to wait on a roommate if they haven't been Marked yet... or if they died... The rooms aren't huge, but of a decent enough size for two people - two single beds on either side of the rooms, with a wardrobe, chest of drawers, and set of shelves each. To the right of the room is a door that leads to the en-suite bathroom; including a toilet, a sink, a shower, a mirror and a cabinet for make-up and whatnot. Students are permitted to re-decorate their rooms as much as they want - they can even go as far as buying an upgraded shower or something, if they have enough money. If it's something as simple as re-painting the walls, the Academy will easily pay for that, should you choose to do it yourself.[/color][/hider] [hider=Locations in and around Estate] [color=goldenrod][u][b]Stables[/b][/u][/color] [img]https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/535777449183686657/xWjE6FKw.jpeg[/img] [color=burlywood]Housing roughly thirty horses of varying colours, sizes and breeds, the stables and nearby tack room are kept immaculate by it's proud Stablemaster. Most Equestrian Studies classes will take place in here, until you've earned the right to ride your horse. The paddock is nearby, set up with jumps and obstacles should you want them.[/color] [hr] [color=goldenrod][u][b]Swimming Pool[/b][/u][/color] [img]http://infoshutter.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/Indoor-Swimming-Pool-5.jpg[/img] [color=burlywood]Not many House of Night's can boast a swimming pool, but this was a definite demand of Hestia. However, it is not a place to relax - one is to swim in it, not mess around with your friends. If swimming lessons are needed, they will be given. Students have the pool from 9PM to 9AM; after this, the staff have the pool. Take a peek, if you dare...[/color] [hr] [color=goldenrod][u][b]Classrooms[/b][/u][/color] [img]http://www.vanderbilt.edu/studentcenters/wp-content/uploads/ALUMNIHALL-CLASSROOM.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.luc.edu/media/lucedu/campusreservations/images/facilities/Info_Commons_Classroom_2.jpg[/img] [color=burlywood]The classrooms are comfortable, and not as clinical or boring as many school classrooms. The Professor's desk lays at the front, with Fledgling desks in front of him or her. As there aren't any lockers in the School, books are kept in each classroom for each subject. The Art & Desgin classroom is the only one with computers - otherwise, students will find computers in the library.[/color] [hr] [color=goldenrod][u][b]Auditorium[/b][/u][/color] [img]http://www1.uwindsor.ca/drama/sites/uwindsor.ca.drama/files/Acting%20Studio.jpg[/img] [color=burlywood]Where Drama classes take place - it has a collapsible stage for acting out scenes, and a nearby prop room. Professor Lái enjoys the fake blood found in abundance within. [/color] [hr] [color=goldenrod][u][b]Nyx's Temple[/b][/u][/color] [img]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/46/Memchu_altar_pulpit.jpg[/img] [color=burlywood]Previously the Abbey's Chapel, the place had all Christian symbols removed - including the frescos on the wall, and the overly extravagent gilt and statues. Drapes and candles were then set up around the room, giving it a far darker - and yet warmer - look. The altar had a marble statue of Nyx placed upon it, along with a myriad of fruits and wines. During the Full Moon ritual, the Vampyres will enter the Temple, taking part in the Ritual to show their respect to Nyx.[/color] [hr] [color=goldenrod][u][b]Arena[/b][/u][/color] [img]http://supreme-auctions.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/8ArenaCB95.jpeg[/img] [color=burlywood]For the Fencing Classes, the Arena allows the elements to filter through while keeping out things such as rain. The sandy floor makes for a soft landing when falling over, and also makes the students focus far more on their footwork, according to the Swordmaster. Perhaps he just enjoys seeing them slide around while trying to attack their opponent...[/color] [hr] [color=goldenrod][u][b]Gymnasium[/b][/u][/color] [img]http://thesource.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/High-School.jpg[/img] [color=burlywood]A small-ish Gymnasium, where the Tae Kwon Do and some Athletic classes take place. Within are mats (For the Martial Arts, not that it stops them getting bruised up half the time), and athletics equipment such as jump ropes, javelins, and shot puts. A variety of other sporting equipment, from tennis balls to weight lifts can also be found in here - although not compulsory classes, the Acadamy certainly promotes healthy living. And some people just prefer Football over Running. [/color] [hr] [color=goldenrod][u][b]Running Track[/b][/u][/color] [img]http://www.londonpioneers.com/images/newletterImages/photoGallery_4_77/newsletter10Oct4.jpg[/img] [color=burlywood]Short-distance or long-distance, the track is good for that. If Professor Alderson is in a good mood, he'll take the class inside if the weather turns bad. If he's in a bad mood and wants to piss the kids off, he'll let them run in the rain. Is that immature? Sure. But he's still pretty much a kid himself. The track is open to anyone at any time, so if you like your early morning (Or evening, as you're a Vampyre) runs, you can go ahead.[/color] [hr] [color=goldenrod][u][b]Library[/b][/u][/color] [img]http://libereurope.eu/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/4585112944_d29e927449_b.jpg[/img] [color=burlywood]They got books, and computers. No books are banned, unlike *some* schools banning stuff likeHarry Potter for "Encouraging Satanism". Just remember to be quiet.[/color] [hr] [color=goldenrod][u][b]Dining Hall[/b][/u][/color] [img]http://cdnm.tutorialchip.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/Casino-Restaurant-Interior-Design-520x360.jpg[/img] [color=burlywood]A cosy place to eat, drink, and mingle with your friends. The main meal is a set menu, but it still tastes fantastic all of the time, and is generally quite diverse. They have salad and pasta buffets, along with a dessert table. Vegetarian options are available, but generally discouraged by the Vampyres. They (Well... some) admire the fact that you think eating beef is immoral, but you're a Vampyre, and that lack of meat may just kill you in a few months. Wine is available for the students to drink, but only if they respect it enough to not get drunk. And trust me, the adult Vamps will know if you've abused that power. On a Full Moon, following the Ritual, themed food nights are available! Vote for your favourite before the next on comes around! Will it be Indian, or Chinese? It's up to you.[/color] [hr] [color=goldenrod][u][b]Student Common Rooms[/b][/u][/color] [img]http://branford.yalecollege.yale.edu/sites/default/files/images/common%20room-410x308.jpeg[/img] [color=burlywood]The usual place for students to hang out in. There are a couple dotted around the building, but the main one is connected to the bedroom wings. There is a kitchen, with a few microwaves, some fridges, kettles, toasters, and cabinets. All food is regularly restocked, although nobody knows when and how the Adult Vamps do it. Breakfast is usually eaten here, unless one has a craving for eggs or something else cooked, which can be found in the Dining Hall. As for the rest of the Common Room, it includes several TV's, couches, chairs, and even a pool table. Although none are supplied by the Academy, gaming systems can be connected to the TV for some fun and games. Just don't hog it.[/color] [/hider] [hider=Thorncombe Village] [img]http://www.thorncombe-village-trust.co.uk/wpimages/wpdfacf0ba_05_06.jpg[/img] [color=burlywood]Thorncombe is one of the largest villages that is nearby to the House of Night. The locals know about the Vampyres, and many aren't particularly pleased about it. However, the general consensus of the town is to be friendly to strangers, and if they don't know you're a Fledgling, they'll be more than happy to help you out. There isn't much there - a few village shops, a couple of pubs, a bakery... the usual. It's still a nice place to visit if you get sick of the estate. From here you can catch a bus to the coast, if you don't have a car.[/color] [/hider] [/center] [/hider] [hider=The Professors] [center] [hider=High Priestess Hestia Flynn: Vampyre Sociology][img]http://www.ikiwae.xyz/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/morena_baccarin_best_hd_wallpaper.jpg[/img] [color=goldenrod][i]Faceclaim: Morena Baccarin[/i][/color] [color=burlywood]Born roughly 200 years ago in Spain, Hestia has always remained a gentle and motherly figure throughout her life; both as a human, and as a Vampyre. Many have been struck by her raw compassion, and she truly has earned the namesake of Hestia - the humble Goddess of the Home. She became a Priestess in Training quite soon in her life, as an affinity for Healing made itself known. She became a High Priestess swiftly, impressing her peers and her Mentor. She moved to Britain in the early 1900's, swiftly losing her Spanish twang to the well known neutral accent of England. With tattoos much akin to dancing flames, she is the High Priestess of the British House of Night; Mentor to some students; and the Professor for Vampyre Sociology. She also has a small ginger tomcat by the name of "Tom" - being an avid lover of the cartoon "Tom and Jerry".[/color][/hider] [hider=Poet Laureate; Professor Irene Adler: Literature & Creative Writing][img]http://images1.fanpop.com/images/photos/2000000/Diane-2004-diane-kruger-2025266-305-425.jpg[/img] [i][color=goldenrod]Faceclaim: Diane Kruger[/color][/i] [color=burlywood] Born sometime in the late 1800's, London, Irene was more than thrilled when she was Marked. Even though Vampyres were known to be around at this time, very little was known about them to the humans... which just made it all the more exciting for her. It was as if she had entered one of her favourite fictional stories; which, on the top of the list were the Sherlock Holmes stories. Although they had a distinct lack of Vampyres, she adored the characters; so much so that her new name became that of the only woman who had outwitted the great Holmes - Irene Adler. She moved to the House of Night to share her love of Literature and writing in the late 1980's, and was swiftly given the title of Poet Laureate by the High Priestess Hestia, along with the Professorship of the Literature and Creative Writing class. As matches her personality, she is an easily-excited teacher, happy to make things seem fun for the students at all times. One can easily delay a lesson by getting her sucked into either a discussion or debate about her favourite authors or poets (Or, more recently, actors. One of her students introduced her to the newest Sherlock Holmes movies when they came out, and fair to say she's smitten with Robert Downey Jr's portrayal. She was even more enticed upon finding out that he too, was a Vampyre.). However, it would be best to not get on her bad side - her icyness is more than noticeable compared to her warm and energetic exterior. Her tattoos look startlingly like a mask, framing her eyes in delicate swirls. Her Familiar is a large, tawny coloured Maine Coon by the name of Samantha - her human name that she promised herself never to forget. [/color] [/hider] [hider=Swordmaster Markus Tanner: Fencing][img]https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/432987056378114048/nMMkotqH.jpeg[/img] [color=goldenrod][i]Faceclaim: Kyle Schmid[/i][/color] [color=burlywood] Not much is known about Markus, including his country of origin and age. Even Hestia is unsure of where he came from - all that is known for sure about him is that his skill with the sword is unmatched by all, and that he shares a close bond with the Stablemaster Leo Carver - for the two arrived at the House of Night together, having obviously travelled a long way sometime in the early 1990's. Despite Hestia's hesitation in taking the two in, it appeared obvious they had good in them. After a swift test run, she was happy to grant him the unfulfilled place of Swordmaster and Head of Security - on the condition that he taught the students how to fence. Although happy to oblige, he is a stern taskmaster - not one to take sass, whining, or gripes. Any laziness is forbidden in his arena, a woe betide any student who dares to talk back to him. However, when in a good mood and the students have worked particularly hard, he will treat them to a story of his past. However, he has caused mass confusion on more then on occasion by referencing events that occurred as early as the beginning of the Renaissance Era - which would peg him at around 500 years old, and therefore older than Shekinah - High Priestess of all Vampyres globally - herself. It is rare for him to take on the role as personal Mentor to the students - especially as he is now coaching an Apprentice in the ways of the Sword Master. His tattoos are similar to Leo's, in that they both have Celtic Knots framing their filled in moon - however, Markus' take a bolder, more squared type fashion. His familiar is an albino Wildcat, by the name of Varda. She has a temperament far sweeter than his. [/color] [/hider] [hider=Stablemaster Leo Carver: Equestrian Studies][img]http://www.thefashionisto.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/Seth-Gabel-Fashionisto-2014-002.jpeg[/img] [i][color=goldenrod][i]Faceclaim: Seth Gabel[/i][/color][/i] [color=burlywood] Leo's story remains just as mysterious as his comrade Markus'. His age and country of origin are unknown, although compared to Markus' classic English accent, his is a generic American sounding one. Upon arriving at the House of Night with Markus, he was instantly drawn to the stables. Always, he had enjoyed the company of such fine beasts as horses - proud, intelligent, and far more intuitive than many believed. While Markus gained the title of Sword-Master, he was given control of the Horses and Stables. Even the condition that Hestia laid out - to teach the students how to look after and treat the horses - was a gift. If there was one thing he enjoyed doing, it was showing people just how magnificent his equine friends were. This generally makes him quite light-hearted in the stables, but when it comes to breaking in the new recruits, he's stricter than Markus. It would be rare to see a smile directed at a student, unless they had taken particularly good care of a horse. Nevertheless, he is patient with most - never snappy when answering a question (Unless it's a particularly stupid one), and will always make himself available if the students wish to learn more about anything. As such, he is more likely to take on students as a Mentor, as opposed to Markus. His tattoos are similar to Markus', in that they both have Celtic Knots framing their filled in moon - however, Leo's are softer around the edges, and more rounded and curvy. His familiar is a dark wildcat by the name of Drake - he is often found sitting with Varda, Markus' familiar. [/color] [/hider] [hider=Professor Gabrielle Napoles: Tae Kwon Do][img]http://spartacuswallpaper.com/gallery/old_iphone_home/dania-ramirez-ii.jpg[/img] [i][color=goldenrod]Faceclaim: Dania Ramirez[/color][/i] [color=burlywood] A strict, hot-headed and hot-tempered woman, Gabrielle is in no doubt an excellent teacher of her sport - not that it makes it easy for the students to learn from such a Taskmaster, that is. Bruises, aches and pains are a common thing upon leaving her lesson - but by God, do they get into shape quick. As a must for a Vampyre Fledgling, Gabrielle is desperate to get them healthy bodies as quickly as possible. This is likely borne from having seen three of her closest friends die while they were Fledglings - they hadn't taken the warnings seriously enough, and she is determined to never let it happen again. However, deaths are unavoidable, and for all her angry exterior, will take each student's death with intense grief. As such, she prefers to not Mentor any student unless they particularly need aid in something, as to distance herself from creating bonds. Additionally, she'll teach Spanish as an extra-curricular activity to any student who wants it. Her teaching style is slightly more relaxed inside. Tattoos: Feathers Familiar: Ginger Ocicat named Babou.[/color] [/hider] [hider=Professor Antonio Alderson: Athletics][img]http://images.zap2it.com/assets/p188608_n216699_cc_v4_aa/leverage.jpg[/img] [i][color=goldenrod]Faceclaim: Aldis Hodge[/color][/i] [color=burlywood] The youngest Professor at the House of Night, having only completed his Change at the age of 19, six years ago. Due to this, he builds a good rapport with the students quite swiftly - and is a supreme nerd boy. As in, can recite the Opening Crawls to all seven Star Wars movies without pausing for breath, Nerd boy. He was teased as a kid for his mannerisms and taste in music and movies, and in an attempt to distance himself from that stigma, joined the Athletics team at his High School in America. And man, could he run. He continued this in the Chicago House of Night following his Marking, even getting into competitions and the like prior to his Change. When becoming a full Vampyre, he began looking for Swordsmaster jobs... despite not knowing a great deal about fencing beyond what he'd been taught at his House of Night. Luckily the English one was looking for an Apprentice, so here he is. Ready to kick some old Vampyre butt in sword-fighting... or at least, being able to run away when he's about to lose. He doesn't formally Mentor many students, due to his joint jobs at the Academy, but he'll always lend an ear to anyone needing it. Tattoos: Swords - although he likes to say that they're lightsabers, because of their blue colour. Familiar: Russian Blue called Natasha.[/color][/hider] [hider=Professor Athene: Art & Design][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/08/0f/34/080f3448aa8852fd2fed9a32fe8fed4a.jpg[/img] [i][color=goldenrod]Faceclaim: Amanda Righetti[/color][/i] [color=burlywood] Athene was born as Grace Strong, in California, 1950. From a young age, she knew she wanted to teach art. She was a free spirit, constantly finding beauty in all of natures and it's art... much to the chagrin of her parents, who were wanting her to simply keep her head down in life until she got herself a husband. She despised that her parents wanted her to live such a boring life, so naturally, when she was marked at the age of 16, it was an outlet. She abandoned her name and took on that of the Greek Goddess of Wisdom - Athene. For including Wisdom, Athene was also the Goddess of art, her most beloved subject. With the possibility of death aside, her new Mark and new name gave her the freedom to do what she wanted. And so she did - completing the Change at 18 years old, she began travelling the world to expand her views. After decades of freedom, she eventually settled down in England, finding her dream job of teaching Art to students at last. Her teaching style is a very relaxed one - never judging someone for not being able to draw, because to her, inspiration often needs to be found. Also, not everyone has a talent with a paintbrush - therefore, she extended her teaching into Design using computers and whatnot, to give her students the best chance possible. She also likes to chat with her students, so casually as if she were their age again. It is believable, until she starts talking about the 70's, and how it was obviously the best decade going. If she continues long enough on that vein, she'll tell students about Woodstock, and her interesting experience of drugs while there. Turned out acid affected adults Vamps enough to create some... curious effects. Her filled in crescent is surrounded by delicate little symmetrical drops - she sometimes adds drops of various other colours to the startling sapphire blue tattoos, using facepaint. Her familiar is a black Bombay called Salem - because she's a fan of Sabrina the Teenage Witch. [/color] [/hider] [hider=Professor Seth Lài: Drama][img]http://www.kotalentagency.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/Ludi20.jpeg[/img] [i][color=goldenrod]Faceclaim: Ludi Lin[/color][/i] [color=burlywood] Dramatic, easy-going, and a flare for the stage, Canadian born Seth is arguably the most entertaining teacher you could have. He's quick to give advice - and as such, is happy to take on kids to mentor - but his advice can sometimes be... flawed. Of course, can you expect sound advice from a man who unflinchingly flirts at any opportunity towards the High Priestess, and the less than amused Swordsmaster? Either way, it's easy to get him on a tangent during a lesson - just bring up Star Trek and he'll go on an hour long rant as to how the spot of Sulu was snatched away from him by George Takei. Oh my... Tattoos: Very similar to a mask, but made up of intricate webs as opposed to the swirls of Professor Adler. Familiar: A blue Siamese named Jean Valjean - but get's JJ for short.[/color] [/hider] [hider=Professor Maia: Music][img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/storywikmaine/images/e/e6/Jamie_Chung.png/revision/latest?cb=20121107233038[/img] [i][color=goldenrod]Faceclaim: Jamie Chung[/color][/i] [color=burlywood] As the youngest daughter of King Gojong - the first Emperor of Korea - in the 1870's (To one of his many Consorts), Maia was expected from a young age to act as a woman of an esteemed Korean household should - however, this changed when she was Marked at the age of 15. Rather than shun - or worse, execute - her, her parents were immensely supportive, and more than anything, concerned. Although Vampyres were not well known in that time or place, the humans knew enough that Vampyre Fledglings could die anytime from their Marking, up until their Change. Further more, her father Emperor Gwangmu, as he was known, was increasingly concerned that the Japanese, who were constantly moving in on Korean territory, would find out about his daughter, and do something terrible with the information. Therefore, he helped her flee the country alongside the Vampyre who had marked her, giving her enough wealth to get her out of the continent altogether. After a few months of heavy travelling, the pair finally made it to Paris, where she was enrolled at the House of Night there. Although in a strange environment, she quickly picked up the language, and was was able to fit in quite quickly. She also changed her name to that of Maia - One of the Seven Pleiades - as that had been the nickname given to her by her Vampyre Tracker, Lucas Clio. After her change occurred, her Lucas returned - his job now finished, and he requested to join her on her travels once again, as he enjoyed her company. Although surprised, she did agree, and the pair travelled for a while before settling down in England. There, they got jobs at the House of Night, and after falling in love during their travels, got married. Since then, the only time she has left the country was to visit her Father in 1913; six years prior to his death. They were happy to see each other once again, and he professed much relief to seeing her alive and well - she remained to this day his most beloved child. Teaching music at the House of Night, as she has always loved the subject (It was the one subject she surpassed the others at in Paris, because music is a singular language for all, much to her relief), she is a somewhat strict, no-nonsense teacher. But she does have a soft spot in her heart for the homesick, the underdog, or the lonely. Remnants of her Korean accent remain, and she occasionally exclaims in her native language - or French - when expressing a strong emotion. She also teaches French in the extra-curricular subjects. Along with Music, she also teaches French as an Extra-Curricular Activity. Her tattoos are akin to the frothy waves depicted in the painting [i]"The Great Wave off Kanagawa"[/i] - one of her favourite paintings. Her familiar is a black Burmese cat called Wong Mau. [/color] [/hider] [hider=Professor Lucas Clio: Runes and Mythological Studies][img]http://img.poptower.com/pic-30527/ian-anthony-dale.jpg?d=600[/img] [i][color=goldenrod]Faceclaim: Ian Anthony Dale[/color][/i] [color=burlywood] Born in Japan in the late 1700's - to a Japanese Mother and American Father - Lucas began learning the way of the Samurai from a young age, as was common for boys in that era. Although considered to be far different than the others due to his heritage, and definitely non-Japanese name, he came along quite well, soon surpassing his peers in the way of the sword and Samurai. However, these plans were cut short when he was Marked at the age of 15 - causing him to flee the country with his Father as the people who were once his friends turned against him. Luckily, they were able to find an adult Vampyre to escort them across Europe, which mean Lucas was able to stay quite healthy throughout the journey. He ended up in the Parisian House of Night, where he stayed until he completed his Change. He was chosen as Tracker a few years following this, which was a job he swiftly became grateful of upon being tasked to find his now loving Wife, Maia. His Tracking job was finished, and following his marriage, the two settled down at this House of Night as Professors. He occasionally joins in the Fencing lessons to spar with the Swordsmaster, which is always a treat for the students. As such, he's yet to beat the mysterious Markus. Antonio, on the other hand, is like sparring with a child. And he is certain to remind the younger Vampyre of that everytime their swords meet. He teaches Myths and Runes, and has a strict teaching schedule - he will not tolerate laziness or late homework, nor any kind of disrespect in his class. However, he's patient enough with students, and will take on a few to mentor throughout the years. You'll have to show you're willing to work, however. Tattoos: Much akin to layers of leaves - specifically that of the Maple Tree. And no, he isn't Canadian. Familiar: White Burmese Cat called Tai Mau.[/color][/hider] [hider=Professor Nicolas Hampton: Norwegian][img]http://i2.listal.com/image/674923/600full-joshua-jackson.jpg[/img] [i][color=goldenrod]Faceclaim: Joshua Jackson[/color][/i] [color=burlywood] American-born, Nicolas is among the younger side of the teachers at the House of Night. At 45 years old, he hasn't seen as much of the world as he'd like to, but he's in no rush, being immortal and all. As such, he's quite happy to teach in England for now, and will quite easily out-sass any student who unleashes his sarcastic side. Along with Norwegian, Nicolas also teaches Latin as an optional extra-curricular activity. Tattoos: Lightning Bolts Familiar: Tortoiseshell American Shorthair named Karma - because Karma's a bitch, and so's his cat.[/color][/hider] [hider=Professor Cassiopeia: Icelandic][img]http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/nightvale/images/e/e7/Fringe-Jasika-Nicole-Wallpaper.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20130903225522[/img] [i][color=goldenrod]Faceclaim: Jasika Nicole[/color][/i] [color=burlywood] At 50 years old, Cassiopeia actually studied at this House of Night, under the mentorship of Hestia herself. As such, the two are close, almost with a Mother and Daughter bond. She's tempted to begin training as a High Priestess herself, but for now, she's happy to teach students the language of her Grandmother's home country, Iceland. She's been there herself and fell in love with the place, and since then has been begging for the funds to take the students on a trip there. Naturally once the other language teachers heard about it, they wanted in. They're now saving up through fundraisers and a small portion of the School's monthly money to get a trip to all three Scandinavian countries. She is a sweet and patient teacher, and undoubtedly smarter than her somewhat ditsy behaviour shows. As such, if any students attempts to take advantage of her "naivety", she's quick to exact revenge. Tattoos: Vines Familiar: Gray Egyptian Mau called Bast. [/color][/hider] [hider=Professor Lisa Rosen: Swedish][img]http://www.billedbladet.dk/sites/billedbladet.dk/files/styles/landscape_16-9_8grid/public/media/article/marietourell.jpg?itok=vqJjwt_i[/img] [i][color=goldenrod]Faceclaim: Marie Tourell Søderberg[/color][/i] [color=burlywood] Swedish Lisa has lived a very easy, and - to her, at least, - boring life, so far. She was present during World War 2 as a child, but due to Sweden's neutrality, she doesn't particularly remember much, other than the news of events happening around the world. She was shocked to see the devastation in Britain, Germany and France being talked about when they themselves were pretty much untouched. The war passed without affecting her or her family, and life continued on as that. Then she was Marked. Even at this, her family showed nothing but mild surprise. Not shock, not horror, not even sadness. They just took it as one of those things that happen in life, regardless of the fact that she could have literally died, choking on her own blood at any minute. Luckily, that didn't happen. She journeyed to the House of Night located in Stockholm, her parents and siblings visiting regularly, and finished her Change four years after this. From there, she branched out - hoping to visit more of the world now that she had no strings attached to her. However, her Mother grew ill, and with a working Father and about six other siblings to take care of, she returned home once again, tending to the house and chores until her Mother eventually passed away. Lisa's Father passed soon after that, leaving her to look after her siblings. And look after them well she did - the older ones were married off as soon as possible, and the younger ones she raised to be happy. Oddly enough, the youngest, a boy named Erik, was also Marked when he turned 15. Following his successful Change, the two were finally able to leave their home country and visit more of the World. Lisa couldn't really find a passion, and upon realising that the times when she was truly happy was when she was at the House of Night or teaching her siblings new things, she found a job as a Professor in England, while her brother continued on his journeys of the Earth. He visits sometimes, and the pair also keep in contact with their family back in Sweden. Although some of their siblings have passed away by now, they've left children for them to continue watching over. Her teaching style is a passionate one - never one to keep a classroom quiet or bored, Lisa tries to make the students want to learn the language. Also, she teaches the Third and Fourth Years Economics - a far more tedious lesson. As for mentoring, she's happy to take as many as she can under her wing. Tattoos: Delicate snowflakes and ice crystals. Familiar: A grey Norwegian Forest Cat called Beorn.[/color][/hider] [/center] [/hider] [hider=Timetable] [color=burlywood] For this timetable, you're to add your character's name where necessary, and your character's colour. You also have the choice of three electives - of which you can pick one for your character to study. The Physical Education Electives rotate each term, so you'll be able to try each one out. However, for the other, it sticks. So, choose wisely.[/color] [code] [center] [color=???] [u][b][Character Name], 1st Year Student[/b][/u] [b][u]1st Period: 9:00 - 9:45[/u][/b] Vampyre Sociology: Prof. Flynn - Room 10 ~ [b][u]2nd Period: 9:50 - 10:35[/u][/b] Art & Design: Prof. Athene - Room 45 [b][u][i]or[/i][/u][/b] Dramatic Arts: Prof. Lài - Auditorium [b][u][i]or[/i][/u][/b] Music: Prof. Maia - Room 213 ~ [b][u]BREAK: 10:35 - 10:50[/u][/b] ~ [b][u]3rd Period: 10:50 - 11:35[/u][/b] Lit. & Creative Writing: Prof. Adler - Room 5 ~ [b][u]4th Period: 11:40 - 12:25[/u][/b] Fencing: Prof. Tanner - Outdoor Arena ~ [b][u]LUNCH: 12:25 - 01:30[/u][/b] ~ [b][u]5th Period: 01:30 - 02:15;[/u][/b] Icelandic: Prof. Cassiopeia - Room 23 [b][u][i]or[/i][/u][/b] Norwegian: Prof. Hampton - Room 24 [b][u][i]or[/i][/u][/b] Swedish: Prof. Rosen - Room 25 ~ [b][u]6th Period: 02:20 - 03:05[/u][/b] Runes and Myths: Prof. Clio - Room 101 ~ [b][u]7th Period: 03:10 - 03:55[/u][/b] Equestrian Studies: Prof. Carver - Stable House [b][u][i]or[/i][/u][/b] Tae Kwon Do: Prof. Napoles - Gymnasium [b][u][i]or[/i][/u][/b] Athletics: Prof Alderson - Running Track [/color] [/center] [/code] [/hider] [hr][hr] [hider=Character Sheet & Guidelines] [color=burlywood] Don't copy and paste this CS, use the one below with the formatting. This is just to clarify what is needed in each bit.[/color] [indent] [color=goldenrod] Name: ((First and last - Last names can be dropped, so they're optional)) Birth Name: ((Only applicable if your character changed his or her name upon being marked)) Nickname: ((Optional)) Age: ((14-17)) Sex: ((Male or Female, obviously)) Sexuality: ((If you're into guys, gals, both, neither, etc.)) Appearance: ((Written description is mandatory. For Faceclaims, please make sure it's a real person, and not a cartoon character and/or an artists' drawing.)) Personality: ((Explains itself. I don't mind this being somewhat brief, as I'm aware personality is better understood when actually writing about the character. However, I will require at least a paragraph.)) Backstory: ((What you were like prior to being Marked, home life, past relationships, etc.)) Mentor: ((One of the Professors - the descriptions are listed above, so feel free to pick one. You won't have supreme control over your - or any - Professor, but as they are NPC's, you can work with what their profile says and act them out accordingly.)) Timetable: ((Copy and Paste the timetable above into this area ((Including the hider, if you'd be so kind)) including your character's name, the colouring, and the electives you've picked.)) Affinity: ((Will develop a little later into the roleplay, so you can leave this blank for now if you'd like. If you want to place requests in for a particular power, let me know. Also, if one has been taken, you can still request it. Try and keep in mind that Affinities tie in with personality, and they're all as powerful as each other. Don't automatically go for the coolest one.)) Familiar: ((What kind of cat you have, name, etc. Other species are possible, but are a rarity - ask me first.)) Extra: ((any extra information you'd like to add.)) [/color] [/indent] [/hider] [hider=Code version of CS] [code] [hider=Character Name][center][h1][color=¿¿¿]Character's Name[/color][/h1] [IMG]PIC or GIF of Character's Appearance here ((I.E. Faceclaim. You don't need to find one with a Vampyre mark.))[/IMG] [i]"Character Quote."[/i] -[b]Author[/b][/center][.hr][.hr][center][color=dodgerblue][h1][u]Personal Information[/u][/h1][/color][/center] [color=¿¿¿][u]Name:[/u][/color] [color=¿¿¿][u]Birth Name:[/u][/color] [color=¿¿¿][u]Nickname:[/u][/color] [color=¿¿¿][u]Birth Date:[/u][/color] [color=¿¿¿][u]Age:[/u][/color] [color=¿¿¿][u]Sex:[/u][/color] [color=¿¿¿][u]Sexuality:[/u][/color] [.hr][center][color=dodgerblue][h1][u]In The Mirror[/u][/h1][/color][/center] [color=¿¿¿][u]In Depth Appearance:[/u][/color] [color=¿¿¿][u]Clothing Style:[/u][/color][.hr][center][color=dodgerblue][h1][u]Delving Deeper[/u][/h1][/color][/center] [color=¿¿¿][u]Likes:[/u][/color] [list][*] [*] [*] [*] [*][/list] [color=¿¿¿][u]Dislikes:[/u][/color] [list][*] [*] [*] [*] [*][/list] [color=¿¿¿][u]Fears:[/u][/color] [list][*] [*] [*][/list] [color=¿¿¿][u]Habits:[/u][/color] [list][*] [*] [*][/list] [color=¿¿¿][u]Personality:[/u][/color] [center][u]♦ Trait ♦ Trait ♦ Trait ♦ Trait ♦[/u][/center] [color=¿¿¿][u]Backstory:[/u][/color] [color=¿¿¿][u]Extra:[/u][/color][.hr][center][color=dodgerblue][h1][u]Vampyre Information[/u][/h1][/color][/center] [color=¿¿¿][u]Mentor:[/u][/color] [color=¿¿¿][u]Timetable:[/u][/color] [color=¿¿¿][u]Affinity:[/u][/color] [color=¿¿¿][u]Familiar:[/u][/color] [/hider] [/code] [/hider] [hr][hr] [color=burlywood][b][u]Accepted Characters:[/u][/b][/color] [/center]