[center][h3][color=00aeef] Getting Heated Finally[/color][/h3][/center] She took notice to the flames dancing around his face and parting from his mouth as her spoke the warning to her. She took a moment to think about what she was going to do. Spencer wasn't exactly a good girl' but for so long she wanted a taste of some kind of action it almost no longer mattered how she got it. Maybe today was her chance to change. [b][color=5a1dd2]"In all honesty, I'd like to help,"[/color][/b] Spencer replied, nodding to Scourge. Spencer partially doubted he heard her considering she seemed to annoy him quite a lot. She wasn't trying to, but her bubbly self seemed to come off as just that. Not to mention the loud roar of those flames flaring around him, but there still was a chance her heard her as he ran off to where she could see some kind of blue paint. She sent some calmness in strong waves his way. She let out a light sigh and followed him through the person shaped holes in the building.